The Indianapolis Star from Indianapolis, Indiana (2024)

32 LIVESTOCK Indianapolis By USDA Yester- Week Year day Ago Ago Cattle 800 260 370 Calves 200 22 Hoes ,750 3.075 4,029 Sheep 525 NOGS Receipts made up of mixed 1-3 210-250 ibs. barrows and gilts and 10 per cent sows, Barrows and gilts were steady to weak, instances 25c lower; sows steady to 25c lower. BARROWS AND GILTS- -Trading was fairly active with mixed 1-2 210-235 Ibs. 21.75: 190-210 $21 180- 190. lbs.

1-3 210-250 lbs. $21.25 2-3 220-260 lbs. $21 21.25; 260- 310 lbs. $20.25 21. sows- Mixed 1-3 300-350 lbs.

few 10 $20; 350-400 Ibs. $18.25 19.25: 400-500 lbs. $17.50 18.50. BOARS- Steady at Good clearance. INDIANA HOGS--Demand was broad with barrows and gilts mostly steady: Instances weak to 25c lower: sows mostly steady.

Barrows and elits 1-2 200-230 ibs, $20.75 few to 1-3 2 0-250 Ibs, $20.25 21; 250-270 Ibs. $19.75 20.75; SOWS 1-3 270-350 $17.25 18.75; few $19 350-450 lbs. 2-3 450-600 ibs. Estimated head in 57 yards and packing plants in the state yesterday actual last Thursday 10,350 head; year ago estimate so far this week same period last week year ago 48,700 head. CATTLE-Receipts.

included 300 head feeder calves sold prior to arrival but not enough receipts in the regular market to test the steer and heifer, market; cows were fairly active and steady: vealers, bulls and slaughter calves steady. SLAUGHTER STEERS High choice and prime 1.060-1,425 lbs. few mixed good and choice $25 26. cows--Utility and commercial few high yielding utility canner and cutter $15.50 17.50. BULLS Few utility CALVES--Few good and choice vealers standard and good slaughter calves good and choice $25 27: standard and good fairly active with spring lambs and ewes steady.

Several lots choice and prime 80-100 lbs, spring lambs $25.50 25: choice 75-110 ibs. $23.50 24.50; cull 10 9000 shorn ewes DETAILED QUOTATIONS (USDA) STEERSPrime. Prime, 900 to 1,100 lbs. $26.50 1,100 to 1,300 ibs. 26.50@27.35 Choice, 1,100 to 1,300 lbs.

25.75@26.25 Good, 900 to 1,100 Ibs. 25.75@26.75 Choice. 700 to 900 lbs. 25.75 Good, 1,100 to 1,300 lbs. Standard, all weights 23.00@24.75 HEIFERSPrime, 900 to 1,100 lbs.

$25.50 Choice, 700 to 900 lbs. 24.25 25.50 Choice. 900 to 1,100 lbs. 24.50@25.50 Good, 600 to 800. Ibs.

22.50 Good. 800 to 1,000 Ibs. 22.00 24.00 Standard, all weights 21.50 COWSCommercial, all weights $17.00 18.00 Utility, weights 17.50@19.00 Cutter, all weights 16.50 Canner, all weights 15.00 BULLS (yearlings excluded)Commercial, all weights $21.00 Utility, all weights 21.50 Cutter, all weights 20.00 VEALERS (150-250 Choice, all weights $32.00 34.00 Good, Standard, all weights 30.00€32.00 all weights 25.00 30.00 LAMBS (spring 75-105 Choice 23.50@24.50 Good 21.00@23.50| EWES (shorn 90-130 Utility 5.50@7.00 Cull 4.00 LIVESTOCK BY WIRE CHICAGO (AP) Butcher hog prices were uneven the Chicago STOCKY. Thursday, ranging from 25 to from 25 10 50 cents lower on weights under 250 pounds and steady above 250 pounds. Hog receipts totaled 5,000 head and shippers took 3,000 head.

Mixed 1-2 butchers scaling from 200 250 pounds sold for 21.00 to 22.00, while 35 scaling 250 to 325 pounds brougnt 10 21.25. Mixed 1-3 sows weighing 350 to 45 Opounds sold at 18.00 to 19.50. The cattle run totaled only 500 head and there were too few slaughter steers and slaughter heifers on hand for an adequate test of the market. The supply consisted mostly of cows and prices were steady to strong. A few small lots of good Oquate test of the market.

The supply consisted mostly of cows and prices were steady to strong. A few small lots of good and choice slaughter steers scaling 900 to WOOL FUTURES New York (AP)-Wool futures were higher yesterday. Future markets abroad were mixed. Wool tops futures were quiet. Wool futures closed unchanged to .4 of cent higher.

High Low Close October 119.7 119.5 December 119.7 119.7 March 119.7 119.6 Certificated wool spot 119.5, nominal. Wool tops futures closed quiet. No sales. Certificated spot wool tops 162.0 nominal. BUTTER AND EGGS CHICAGO (AP)-(USDA)-Butter wholesale selling prices unchanged to higher: 93 score AA 92 A and 90 unquoted.

Eggs: prices pald delivered to Chicago 1 lower to 2 higher; 80 per cent or better grade A whites 30-31: large mixed unquoted; medium mixed extras 60 per cent or better grade A whites large mixed medium white extras standard 24-25; checks 17-18. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS GRIFFIN REALTY 138 N. Delaware 636-4545 Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 NEW CONCEPT WAREHOUSING 1,000 SQ. FT. to 40,000 ONE FLOOR.


For Lease 40,000 Square Feet New Warehouse 25-Foot Sprinklered Dock Levelers MARCH WAREHOUSE CORP. 244-3376 Regular Scheduled Airline 11.100 pounds brought 25.75 to 26.75 an ew head of choice weighing 1,100 pounds commander 27.25. A prackage of choice 700 pound slaughter heifers brough 26.00 and mixed good and choice kinds sold 24.75 to 25.50. The small supply of spring slaughter lambs and shorn slaughter ewes in the sheep run of 100 head were mostit steady. Choice and prime 85 to 100 pound spring slaughter lambs sold at 25.50 to 26.00 and choice kinds scaling 80 to 110 pounds brought $24.50 to 25.50.

CARLOT DRESSED MEAT Chicago (USDA)- -Carlot dressed steer and heiter beef as of 2:40 p.m. yesterday was slow and steady with Wednesday's close. Cow beef was not established and pork cuts unchanged. Choice dressed steer beef 500-700 lbs. $43; choice 700-800 lbs.

$43 43.50; choice 800-900 Ibs. $41; standard 500-700 lbs. $39.50. Choice heifer beef 500-700 Ibs. $42; good 500-700 Ibs.

$40. Canner and cutter cow beef $37.50. Pork loins 14 lbs. down no sales reported; 14-17 lbs. $51; Boston butts 4-8 lbs.

spareribs 3 lbs. down $50. Fresh hams 12-20 lbs. $43. Investment Companies New York (AP) The following quotations, supplied by the National Association of Securities Dealer Inc.

are the prices at which the securities could have been sold (bid) or bought (asked). Bid Ask Aberdeen 3.16 3.45 Advise Fd 9.14 10.03 Affil Fd 9.40 10.17 All Amer 1.29 1.41 Am Bus 3.88 4.20 Am Divin Unavail Am Dualvest: Cap Shr 14.00 14.50 IncpfSh 14.00 14.50 Am Grth 7.62 8.28 Inv 41.45 41.45 Am Mut 11.29 12.34 Am Pac Unavail 1Asso Fd 1.67 1.83 Assn InFd 7.85 7.85 Axe Houghton: Fund A 8.57 9.32 Fund 11.44 12.43 Stock 7.79 8.51 Sci Elec 23.69 25.75 Blue Rid 14.94 16.33 Bondstk 7.20 7.87 Bost Fd 9.14 9.99 Broad St 16.04 17.34 Bullock 15.94 17.47 Can Gen 10.15 11.09 Con Fd Unavail Capit Inc Unavail Capit Shr 7.33 8.03 Cent Shr 10.59 11.57 Channing Funds: Balan 13.94 15.23 Com Stk 2.26 2.47 Grwth 20.14 22.01 Incom 8.60 9.40 Special 3.42 3.74 Chase Fd 13.57 14.83 Chem Fd 18.74 20.48 Citadel Unavail Cst Sec Unavail Colonial: Equity 16.99 18.57 Fund 14.63 15.99 Grwth 10.00 10.93 ComSt Bd Unavail Commonwith Fds: Cap 20.73 22.66 Incom 10.69 11.68 Invest 10.92 11.93 Stock 11.66 12.74 Comp Bd Unavail Comp Fd Unavail Concord 18.07 18.07 Cons Inv 13.50 13.75 Consm. Inv 5.50 6.01 Contraf 12.37 12.75 Conv Sec 11.62 12.70 Corp Ld 17.09 18.69 Cntry Cap 11.78 12.74 Crown 6.92 7.57 de Vegh 72.23 72.23 Decaf Inc Unavail Dela Fd Unavail Div Gr 15.52 17.01 Div. Inv 10.36 11.35 Divid Shr 3.84 4.21 Dow Th In 8.48 9.17 Drexel 17.72 17.72 Dreyfus 15.49 16.91 Eatn Stk Bal 12.03 17.16 13.07 18.56 Empl Gr 28.29 30.75 Energy 17.33 17.33 Entprise 21.63 23.64 Equity 11.38 12.30 Equit Gth 16.58 18.10 Fairfd 26.23 28.67 Erm BMu 12.21 12.21 Fed Grth 15.81 17.28 Eid Cap 16.06 17.46 Fund 19.92 21.54 Trnd 33.18 36.07 Fid Mut 9.69 10.59 F.I.F. 6.10 6.67 Fn Ind Inc 6.83 7.48 Fst InGth 9.85 10.75 Fst InStk 11.86 13.00 Fletcher 15.48 16.92 Fla Gth 7.40 8.08 Fnd Lt 5.23 5.72 Founders 8.92 9.75 Foursq 15,58 17.03 Franklin Custan: Com Stk 7.91 8.69 Incom 3.21 3.53 Pf Stk 2.60 2.86 Util 7.50 8.24 Fund Am 11.22 12.26 Fund Inv 12.39 13.58 Gemini Fund: Cap 11.50 12.00 Inc 11.00 11.50 Gen Invest 7.20 7.83 Group Sec: Aero Sc 12.13 13.28 Com St 15.13 16.56 Ful Ad 10.06 11.02 Gen Sec Unavail Grth.

Ind 23.16 23.85 Gryphon 19.68 21.51 Guardn 29.94 21.94 Ham hda 5.94 6.43 Hemi Cap 11.62 12.12 Hemi Inc 10.50 11.00 Mann 16.36 17.04 Hubs Fd 11.12 11.12 Imp Cap 10.44 11.45 Imp Gth 7.66 8.33 Capital: Cap 10.75 11.00 Inc 9.37 9.62 Inc Fnd 13.97 15.27 8.09 8.84 Independ 13.81 15.09 Trend 15.08 16.48 Ind Fund Unavail InsBk Stk 5.67 6.20 Inv CoAm 15.40 16.83 Inves Bos 13.57 14.83 Invest Group: Bid Asked Mut 11.69 12.71 Stock 22.14 24.06 Select 9.74 10.47 Var Pay 9.55 10.38 Inv Resh Unavail istel Fd. 24.46 25.22 Ivest Fd 17.19 18.79 Johnstn 21.75 21.75 Keystone Funds: CUS B1 22.12 23.08 Cus B2 23.11 25.21 CUS B4 10.15 11.07 CUS K1 9.37 10.22 Cus K2 7.91 8.64 CUS 23.34 25.46 Cus $2 11.48 12.52 CUS 11.12 12.14 Cus 7.16 7.82 Int Fd 16.70 18.07 Knickerb Unable Knick Gth Unable Lverage Boston: Cap 12.37 12.75 Inc 12.87 13.25 Lexinta 10.69 11.68 Lex Rsch 17.53 19.16 Inv 7.20 7.87 Life Stk 4.92 5.38 Loomis Sayles. Fds: Canad Unable Capit 13.52 13.52 Mut 16.41 16.41 Manhtn 11.00 12.02 Mass Fnd 13.04 14.25 Gth 12.94 14.14 Mass Tr 17.30 18.91 Mid AMut 7.65 8.36 Moodys 17.01 18.59 Morton Funds: Grwth 13.38 14.66 Income 4.58 5.02 Insur 7.46 8.18 MIF Fd 19.22 20.78 MIF Gth 6.18 6.69 Mut Shrs 18.79 18.79 Mut Trust 2.84 2.90 Nat WSec 11.20 12.12 Nat Invest 8.00 8.65 Nat Sec Ser: Balan 11.61 12.69 Bond 6.32 6.91 Divid 5.25 5.74 Pf Stk 7.36 8.04 Incom 6.39 6.98 Stock 9.29 10.15 Grwth 11.58 12.66 Nat West Unavail NEA Mut 11.94 12.18 New Eng 11.95 12.92 New Hor 24.07 24.07 New Wid 14.45 15.79 Noreast 17.73 17.73 One Wms 17.31 17.31 Oppen Fd 27.21 29.74 Penn Sq 19.30 19.30 Peoples 12.98 14.22 Phila Fd 15.61 17.11 Pilgrim 9.94 10.89 Pine St 12.48 12.48 Pioneer 13.28 14.51 Price TR 24.24 24.24 Providnt 5.50 6.01 Puritan 11.66 12.61 Putnam Funds: Georg 16.65 18.20 Grth 14.22 15.54 Income 10.05 10.98 Invest 8.28 9.05 Rep Tech 5.63 6.15 Revere 16.14 17.64 Scud Duo-Vest: Cap Shr 9.00 9.37 IncpfSh 10.37 10.75 Scudder Funds: Bal 18.76 18.76 Com St 12.82 12.82 Intl Inv Unavail Spect 39.20 39.20 Sec Div Unavail Sec Equit 16.33 17.85 Sec Inv 8.63 9.43 Selec. Am 13.07 14.14 Shrhold 13.70 14.99 Sw Invest Unavail Sover Inv 16.97 18.58 State St 53.46 54.00 Stamn Sc 7.32 8.00 Stamn Sh 24.11 26.35 Stein Roe Funds: Bal Unavail Stock Unavail Intl Unavail Sterl Inv 13.67 14.78 Sup InGth 7.19 7.88 Telev 11.16 12.16 Temp Gt Unavail Texas Fd 12.79 13.98 TwenC Gth 6.61 7.22 TwenC Inc 6.25 6.83 United Funds: Accm 18.43 20.14 Incom 15.43 16.86 Scien 9.97 10.90 UnFd Can 6.07 6.63 Value Line Funds: Val Line 9.01 9.87 Incom 6.87 7.53 Spl Sit 7.71 8.45 Vangd Unavail Var IndPI 5.84 6.35 Viking 7.20 7.83 WallSt In 12.34 13.49 Wash Mu 13.68 14.95 Well Fd. 13.86 15.07 West Ind 9.61 10.50 Whitehll 15.06 16.28 Wndsr Fd 20.50 22.28 Winfield Unavail Wiscon 8.39 9.17 Worth 7.19 7.84 Law Held Responsible In Reduction Of Vice A new law which makes prostitution or an "offer to commit" prostitution a felony, is largely responsible for the slump in streetwalkers' activities, Acting Capt.

Clarence L. Sparks of the Indianapolis Police vice squad, said yesterday. Since the law went into effect July 22, Sparks said, there has been an 80 per cent drop in vice activity. Conviction under the new law could bring a 2-to-5-year prison sentence, but judges have the option to impose a less severe term, he explained. Gets Bar Group Post Donald L.

Brunner of Shelbyville has been appointed Indiana chairman of the section of local government law of the American Bar Association at the section's annual meeting being held in Honolulu. FLY TO DOWNTOWN CHICAGO IN ONLY 1 New round trip fare $34.95 4 FLIGHTS DAILY (Non-Stop) LEAVE INDIANAPOLIS LEAVE CHICAGO 7:00 A.M. 8:45 A.M. 10:30 A.M. 12:15 P.M.

2:00 P.M. 3:45 P.M. 5:30 P.M. 7:15 P.M. FOR RESERVATIONS CALL 243-6668 MIDWEST COMMUTER AIRLINES Also Charter Service Available INDIANAPOLIS STARFRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1967 STATISTICS From Official Records News Of The Courts SUPREME COURT Aug.

10, 1967 30647. Robert Widus, et al vs. State of Indiana. Pulaski Circuit Court. Appellee's petition to advance on docket.

Proof of service. 20181. Hendrix vS. Harbelis. Newton Circuit Court.

Oral argument is cancelled. 20655. Darlington vs. Guarantee Reserve Life. Lake Circuit Court.

Appellant's petition to transfer to Supreme Court. Brief in support, affidavit of sercice. Appellee's brief in opposition to appellant's petition to transfer. Proof of service. 867561.

Mapey vS. State of Indiana. Marion Criminal Court. Appellant's petition for time to file transcript and assignment of errors. Proof of service.

APPELLATE COURT Aug. 10, 1967 20605. Wankier et al vS. Freeman. Monroe Circuit Court.

Oral argument iS set for Tuesday, Oct. 17, 1967, at 10:30 a.m. with 30 minutes for each side. 20563. Greyhound Lines Inc.

vs. Elizabeth Loman. Marion Superior Court. Oral argument set for Wednesday, Oct. 4, 1967, at 10:30 a.m.; 30 minutes each side.

20610. Gilot vs. Walsh. Fulton Circuit Court. Oral argument set for Thursday, Oct.

5, 1967, at 10:30 a.m.; 30 minutes each side. 667A15. Lengyel vS. Hecht. Porter Circuit Court.

Appellant's petition for time to file brief, Proof of service. 20450. Department of State Revenue vs. Estate of Sydney Weinstein. Marion Probate Court.

Appellant's petition for rehearing. Brief in support. Proof of service. 20675. Indiana State Personnel Board vs.

Ira Parkman. Marion Superior Court. Appellee's brief, notice and proof of service. 20589. Guinian vs.

Glissman et al. Lake Superior Court. Oral argument set for Thursday, Sept. 21, 1967, at 10:30 a.m.; 30 minutes each side. 20773.

Joseph Bookwalter vs. Shirley M. Smith. St. Joseph Probate Court.

Oral argument set for Tuesday, Sept. 19, 1967, at 10:30 a.m.) 30 minutes each side. 20754. Benz et al vs. Campbell.

Hendricks Circuit Court. Appellant's petition for time to file brief granted to Oct. 10, 1967. 20729. Town and Country Mutual Insurance Company VS.

Earl Owens et al. Marion Superior Court. Appellee's assignment of cross errors. Appellee's brief. Cross appellant's brief in cross errors.

Proof of service. 767A23. Shirley Klepinger vs. Board of Commissioners of Miami County. Fulton Circuit Court.

Transcript. Assignment of errors submitted under Rule 2-14. 767A24. Wayne Klepinger vs. Board of Commissioners of Miami County.

Fulton Circuit Court. Transcript and assignment of errors submitted under Rule 2-14. 867A45. Allen L. Shelton VS.

Robert Arthur Eby. Howard Superior Court. Appellant's petition for time to file transcript and Affidavit of errors. Proof of service. 867A46.

The Most Rev. Paul C. Schulte vs. Clara Polking. Marion Superior Court.

Appellant's petition for time to file transcript and affidavit of errors. Proof of service. Notice to appellee. DIVORCE SUITS CIRCUIT COURT Rosemary Spencer vs. James E.

Spencer. Irene Ferrell vs. Sylvester Ferrell. Eva M. McNeelye vs.

August McNeelye. Ireatha W. Lyons vs. Leonard Lyons. SUPERIOR COURT Room 1 Lora Payne vs.

Tillman R. Payne. Room 4 Doris J. Bonta vs. James H.

Bonta. Sharon Roark vs. Donald D. Roark. Room 5 Doris L.

Baugh vs. James A. Baugh. Room 6 Jane T. Coleman vs.

Teddy H. Coleman. Marilyn Baugh vs. Harold N. Baugh.

Room 7 William A. Easton vs. Mary E. Easton. Dorothy L.

Mangrum VS, Donald R. Mangrum. FEDERAL COURT Bankruptcies Filed Richard 0. Jent, 531 South Harding Street, machine operator; debts, $5,655.07, assets, $600. Robert Smith 3408 East 38th Street, $600.

receiving clerk; debts, $3,298.80, assets, Delores White, South Illinois Street, instrument operator; debts, $3,313.77, assets, $600. Albert J. Bloom, 215 Summit Street, television repairman; debts, $4,050.65, assets, $453.50. Robert B. Brumley, 4416 Central Avenue, projectionist; debts, $4,034.40, assets, $275.

Jimmy R. Baker, Connersville, machine operator; Donna debts, $12,237.20, assets, $6,000. K. Eastham, Rushville, key punch operator; debts, $6,138.02, assets, none. Ronald J.

Stricklett, Anderson, millwright; debts, $17,707.73, assets, $402. Bobby D. Woodlee, Greenwood, railroad shop Claudia worker; Johnson, debts, $5,690.21, assets, $400. 2844 North Olney Avenue, assembly line operator; debts, $3,140, assets, $250. Grain Market declined Chicago (AP)-Wheat futures prices the Chicago for the fourth straight session on setting seasonal Board of Trade yesterday, contracts.

lows In four of five four Soybeans days and declined set for seasonal the third time in seven contracts. lows in all Corn had futures, while closing on a mixed to tone, set opened weak and quickly declined before seasonal lows in all five contracts an advance set in. Oats futures declined for the straight day, but rye reversed a declining fourth trend close, that and had advanced carried it about under Friday's I There 1c a bushel. wide were a number of factors in the weather, range lack sell-off. exports Favorable growing of and good, scattered all precipitation tended In areas that have needed it to help depress prices.

usual Trade was relatively light, except for the activity, opening and closing flurries of Trade was held to a narrow range because most before the traders hesitated to take a position States anouncement of the United Department of Agriculture acreage in grains grains and estimated 1967 production of after the session closed. All facets of the trade took part sides before the close. In wheat on commission both sellers houses and while local traders were active early the bought down scale. In all the commercial interests bought on rarely and holding sold htroughout the session, trade any lengthy position. with Soybean local trade professionals was largely commercial, on both sides.

Oats trade was but prices down In the closing minutes. hedging Rye cut trade was light, but prices closed higher. BOARD OF TRADE TABLE Open High Low Close Previous WHEAT Sep 1.49⅝ Dec 1.56¾ Mar 1.62 May 1.64 Jul 1.62¾ CORN Sep Dec 1.18¼ Mar 1.22⅜ May 1.25½ 2Jul 1.27½ OATS Sep Dec Mar 72 ay 72 Jul RYE Sep 1.20 Dec 1.25¼ 3Mar 1.293 May 1.32 Jul SOYBEANS Aug 2.73½ Sep 2.68¾ Nov 2.66⅜ Jan 2.70⅛ Mar 2.73⅜ May Jul 2.77 SOYBEAN OIL Aug 9.38 Sep 9.43 Oct 9.4 3 Dec 9.40 Jan 9.38 Mar 9.40 May 9.41 Jul SOYBEAN Aug 72.95 Sep 71.75 Oct 70.50 Dec 70.25 Jan 70.40 Mar 70.60 May 71.20 Jul 1.48¼ 1.55½ 1.49⅜ 1.50¼ 1.5-56 1.57 1.61 1.61⅜ 1.62⅝ 1.63½ 1.63⅞ 1.64¾ 1.62 1.62½ 1.63 1.19¼ 1.19¾ 1.19⅝ 1.18 1.18⅜ 1.18⅜ 1.22⅜ 1.22⅞ 1.22⅝ 1.25⅜ 1.25½ 1.25% 1.27½ 1.27⅞ 1.27¾ 69 69 70 70 72 1.20 1.21 1.20 1.25¼ 1.26¼ 1.25¼ 1.29½ 1.30¾ 1.30 1.31½ 1.33 1.32½ 2.72¼ 2.72⅜ 2.73½ 2.68 2.68 2.69 2.66 2.66 2.66¾ 2.69¾ 2.69¾ 2.70⅜ 2.73 2.73 2.73½ 2.75¾ 2.75¾ 2.76¼ 2.77 2.77⅛ 2.77½ 9.33 9.35 9.43 9.36 9.40 9.47 9.36 9.38 9.46 9.30 9.32 9.40 9.31 9.34 9.41 9.32 9.34 9.40 9.36 9.41 944 72.50 73.65 72.95 71.50 71.95 71.75 70.40 70.75 70.70 69.95 70.00 7020 70.15 70.20 70.40 70.60 70.60 70.85 71.10 71.20 71.40 CASH GRAIN Chicago (AP) Wheat was lower; basis unchanged; receipts 28 cars; corn unchanged; basis unchanged; receipts 108 cars including no cars for Commodity Credit Corporation; oats lower; basis lower; receipts 63 cars; soybean receipts were 47 cars. Wheat No. 2 hard No.

2 red No. 2 dark northern spring $1.52. Corn No. 2 vellow No. 3 vellow No.

5 vellow sample grade yellow Oats No. extra, heavy white 74c; No. 2 heavy white No. heavy white (tough) 70c. Soybeans No.

yellow N. soybean oil LOCAL GRAIN PRICES Approximate prices quoted to producers yesterday by elevators in Marion joining counties: CORN-No. 2 yellow shelled old; new. OATS-No. 2 white SOYBEANS- No.

yellow old; WE new. 2 red Ruling Seen Altering Way Youths Tried STAR STATE REPORT Crawfordsville, trials and trial by jury for juveniles may be outcome of a recent United States Supreme Court decision, Jefferson Circuit Judge Paul Schnaitter of Madison said yesterday. Known as the Gault Decision, the ruling provides more stringent procedural requirements for juveniles who are brought into court charged with delinquent acts. IT SEEMS to me that the Supreme Court has burned down the house to roast the pig," Judge Schnaitter said in an address at the Institute of Juvenile and Criminal Court Judges of Indiana here. Judge Schnaitter said the decision has taken away the juvenile court's role as "parens patriae" (substitute parents) which has been a basic concept for years.

Schnaitter said he fears that removing the civil aspects from juvenile cases will cause them to be handled more and more like adult cases, undoing the philosophy of the chil. dren's court. Baptist Defines Crux Of World Rights Problem The true civil rights fight is not a power struggle between races, but an economic struggle between the underprivileged and the rich for survival, the president of the Indiana Missionary Baptist Convention, said last night. Dr. F.

Benjamin Davis, in the president's a address at a convention session in Corinthian Baptist Church, declared the term "Black Power" is as ridiculous as "White Supremacy." Dr. Davis expressed fears that the whole world could be "turned into a vast armed camp because the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer." However, his address ended on this note of hope: "God has planned for us a glorious and magnificent future. Present distress is less than nothing- whatever we may have to go throughwhen we contemplate the unparalleled future." The week-long convention will end today. Gardner Park Playground Wins 'Clean' Contest Gardner Park, 46th Street and Shadeland Avenue, has been named winner of the 12th annual cleanest playground park contest, Lee A. Burton, director of parks for the Metropolitan Park District, announced yesterday.

The Gardner Park staff will receive a plaque in ceremonies Monday at the park. The contest, sponsored by the recreation division of the Park District, is affiliated with the annual Yard Parks program and its neighborhood "We Care" programs. Other winners in the competition, which included more than 50 parks and playgrounds, were Fall Creek Park, second place; A. J. Thatcher Playground, third, Belmont and Centennial and Groff parks, honorable mention, 'Brick Brigade' Hits Southside Southside shoppers will asked to join the drive to raise $2 million for the Indiana Convention-Exposition Center tomorrow when the "BuyYour-Brick Brigade" moves to the Southern Plaza Shopping Center.

The Buy-Your-Brick effort is being conducted by the Indianapolis Junior Chamber of Commerce. William Spencer, co-chairman of the Jaycee's participation in the drive, said donors' names will be placed on the bricks and placed on the billboard for a minimum $2 donation. Indiana Quakers' '67 Meeting Starts Today STAR STATE REPORT Richmond, Ind. -The 1967 Indiana Yearly Meeting of Friends will begin today at Earlham College here and will include addresses by noted Quaker ministers and leaders. Guest speakers include Dr.

Roland Brown, pastor of Parkside Baptist Church in Chicago; the Rev. Hilbert Berger, director of stewardship education of the Board of Lay Activities of the Methodist Church in Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs. Ersal Kindel, missionaries on furlough from Kaimosi, Kenya. OBITUARIES William Ryan Dies; Athletic Club Founder Stanley L.

Schwab, Centerville, grinder; debts, $8,589.52, assets, none. Thomas E. Clidinst, Muncie, welder; debts, $11,240.70, assets, $500. Howard P. Greene, 44.

North Forrest Street, truck driver; debts, $4,315.63, assets, $505. PROBATE COURT Estate Gross Inventories Arthur John Stapleton, died July 12, 1967, $4,500 (partial). Roxie Mullen, died March 4, 1967, $12,392. Elbie Byassee, died July 14, 1966, $3,580. Effie A.

Dunn, died May 22, 1967, $6,679. Evangeline S. Taylor, died July 19, 1967, $15,187. Iva U. Weaver, died March 12, 1967, $12,271.

Sarah M. Gentry, died July 9, 1967, $17,229. Florence Bosley, died Oct. 10, 1967, $1,000. Harry A.

Startzman, died March 9, 1967, $21,211. ARSENAL ELECTS Harold L. Bartholomew has been elected chairman of the board of directors of Arsenal Savings and Loan Association. Bartholomew, a director of the association the last 15 years, succeeds Dr. Clarence B.

Blakeslee. Indiana 0-T-C Prices Quotations from National Association of Securities Dealers are representative of the prices as of the times indicated. Inter-dealer markets change throughout the day. Prices do not include markup, markdowns or commission. Aug.

10, 4 p.m. "Decimals" Are 8ths Bid Asked Amer. Fletcher National Bank 54.4 55.4 Amer. Income Life Ins. 16.2 16.6 Amer.

Rubber Plastic 17 18 Amer. State Ins. $1.25 pfd 20.4 Amer. State Life 15.2 16.2 Associates Life 13.5 4.1 L. S.

Ayres com. 28 Ayres pid 82 Banker United Life 8.6 Bio-Dynamics 34 36 Buehler Corp. 15 15.4 College Life Ins. 38.4 39.4 Commonwealth Ln. pfd 65 Credithrift com.

23.6 24.4 Credithrift pfd 75.4 Duncan Electric CI. 27 Equitable Securities 36 Farm Home Ins. First Equity Sec. Inv. 4.6 5.4 First United Life Ins.

3.7 4.3 Foster-Forbes Glass com. 25.2 26 Foster- Forbes Glass pfd. 49 Franklin Electric 14.7 15.3 Franklin National Life 19.4 21.4 General Automotive Parts 10.6 11.2 Gen. Tel. of Ind.

$2 pid 33.4 Gen. Tel. of Ind. $2.50 pfd 42 Haag Drug Co. 4.4 5.6 Hamilton Cosco 13 13.4 Hamilton National Life Ins.

8 Herff Jones 10.2 Hook Drugs 34 35 Gas Water 26.2 26.6 Indiana Ins. Cl. A 15 17 Indiana National Bank 50.4 52 Indiana Tele. Corp. 87 Indiana Tele.

Corp. 83 Indiana Tele. Corp. 4.8% 80 Indianapolis Stockyards com. 16.6 Indianapolis Stockyards $3 pfd.

33.4 Water com. 22 22.4 Indianapolis Water 71 Indianapolis Water pfd 83 Inland Container CIA 32.4 33.4 Jefferson Corp. 9.2 10 Jefferson Nat'l Life Ins. 18.6 19.6 Lake Central Airlines com. 9.4 10 Lake Cent, Airlines pid 23.6 Layman Life Ins.

8.4 Lilly Co. 118. 119 Lilly Industrial Coating 24.4 Lincoln Nat'l Life 66.2 67 Marsh Supermarkets 18.1 18.5 Merchants National Bank 57 58.4 Meridian Life Ins. 10.4 11.2 Midwestern United Life ins. 28 28.6 Naples Co.

111 Paul Realty 11.4 13 Harris Stores 10 Penn Controls 35 36 Pilgrim Life Ins. Progress Laundry Ransburg Elect. Coat. 24.2 24.6 Real Silk 70 Schwab Safe 3.1 Dispatch 10.4 11 State Standard Life Ins. 19 20 Security Life 2.6 Corp.

20.4 21.4 Underwriters Nat'l Assurance 18 Unified Funds 9.5 10 United Unified Bonding Underwriters 14.2 14.5 1.4 United Home Life 11.4 12.4 United Telephone pid Wabash Life Ins. 5.4 BONDS Amer. Fletcher '90 86 90 Amer. Security '75 93 Equitable Batesville Security Telephone 85 97 Indiana Limestone 80 Indiana Toll Road, '94 86.4 88 Lake Public Central Airl '79 145 150 Telephone, '91 85 MUTUAL FUNDS Mutual Shares $12.20 $13.33 -Ex-dividend; dividend; 1-Ex-capital gains. U.S.

BONDS counter NEW U.S. YORK (AP) Closing over the bid, Government Treasury bonds, asked, net change and yield for Thursday. 67 99.25 99.27 68 99.2 99.6 4.21 4.9 68 98.20 98.24 5.04 68 Nov 98.15 98.19 5.3 68-63 97 97.4 69 Feb 98.16 98.20 69-64 Jun 95.30 96.2 4.76 45 69 Oct 97.24 97.28 5.09 69-64 Dec 94.28 95 4.79 45 70 Feb 97.8 97.12 5.13 21s 70-65 94.14 94.22 4S 70 Aug 96.22 96.26 4.70 5.16 2125, 71-66 92.22 92.30 4.68 71 95.20 95.28 5.1 71 94.22 94.30 5.22 72 Feb 94.28 954. 245 72-6 7Jun 89.28 90.4 4.81 45 72 Aug 94.10 94.18 Sep 89.12 89.20 4.82 72-67 Dec 88.26 89.2 4S 73. 93.4 93.12 5.30 74 93.12 93.20 5.30 73 93.14 93.22 3 5.3° 93.26 94.2 91.8 91.20 5.27 45 80 88.20 89.4 5.

80 83.24 84.8 5.15 83-78 80.20 81.4 4.98 85 80.16 81 4.86 85-75 90 90.16 5.07 90 80.20 81.4 0 4.89 92-87 87.24 88.8 5.09 45 93-8 8 84.16 85.16 5.01 94-89 85.24 86.8 00 5.07 35 95 80.4 80.20 00 4.19 98 80.16 81 .8 4.6 Prices quoted in dollars and thirty seconds. NEW YORK (AP) -Closing U.S. Treasury Notes bid and asked prices in dollars and thirty seconds and approximate yield to maturity for Thursday. Aug 1967 99.30 100 3.68 Aug 1967 1967 99.31 100.1 4.76 100 100.2 3.74 Oct 1967 99.16 99.24 3.40 Nov 1967 100.3 100.5 4.20 Feb 1968 100.10 100.14 4.86 Apr 1968 98.4 98.12 4.14 May 1968 99.22 99.26 4.99 Aug 1968 99.3 99.7 Oct 1968 96.28 97.4 4.13 Nov 1968 wl 99.28 9.30 5.3 Oct 169 95.8 95.16 4.39 1969 93.28 94.4 4.42 Apr 1970 92.20 93.4 4.29 Oct 1970 91.12 91.28 4.30 Nov 1970 99.16 99.24 5.10 Apr 1971 90 90.16 4.36 May 1971 100 100.8 5.10 Oct 1971 88.20 89.12 4.33 Nov 1971 100.6 100.14 5.25 Feb 1972 97.28 98.4 5.25 Apr 1972 87 88 4.39 May 1972 97.24 98 5.26 wl-When issued. Subiect to Federal taxes but not State Income taxes.

Man, 57, Crushed Under Machine A 57-year-old man died yesterday when he was crushed under the heavy treads of a sewer trenching machine in front of the home of Gerald D. Mann, 5760 East 79th Street. The victim, Lacelle Coleman, 1051 West 34th Street, died of a broken neck, according to Marion County Sheriff's Lt. Alvin French, who also is a deputy coroner. Witnesses said Coleman was digging a trench with a back hoe when the machine struck a tree, throwing him under the treads.

Vital Statistics BIRTHS Hood. MARRIAGE LICENSES Claude Irvin, 2042 Luther; Julia Hood, Community Hospital Boys-James and Maggie Hutcheson, Gary and Linda Glover, Robert and Marilyn Keown. Girls-Harvey Jr. and Ruth Hodge, Orvis and Bonnie Knarr, Terrence and Deborah Kieninger, Mark and Barbara Smith, Michael and Rosalee Hickey, Robert and Enid Fabian. Marion County General Hospital Boys-Norvel and Sharon Jones, Joel and Shirley Birdsong, Leonard and Barbara Teepee.

Girl-James and Alice Reaves. St. Francis Hospital Boys-Frank and Barbara Corbett, Roland and Janet Wilham, Larry and Sally Edwards, Cecil and Mary Nicely, Edward and Joanne Szymanski, Edward and Sherry Hair, Gary and Sandra Huffman. Girl-Ray and Wilma Sublett. St.

Vincent's Hospital Boys-Buford and Lana Conner, Vernon and Gwendolyn Smith, John and Patricia Hall, Sammy and Diana Russell. Methodist Hospital Boys-David and Sharon Grebe, William and Dixie Woodco*ck, Robert and Mary Lueck. Girls-Marion and Jean Stallsworth, Jonathan and Patricia Mitchell, Richard and Carol Cox, Steven and Marilyn Miles, Virgil and Katherine Perkins. Coleman Hospital Boy-Richard and Judith Mendenhall. Girls- Gary and Joyce Goodwin, Charles and Diane Kennedy, Andrew and Opal 2042 Luther.

Stanley B. Reynolds, 4339 East Spann; Patricia F. Smith, 3629 North Bancroft. Ronald D. Richards, Summitville, Carolyn A.

Roehling, 51 David Lind Drive. Marklin E. Scott, 1237 North Windsor; Donna L. Black, 5120 Reeder. Steven Stephanoff, 4607 Thrush; Carol J.

Beets, 4010 Arcadia. Clyde Worley, 542 North Rochester; Carol A. McClain, 3736 North Meridian. Mark W. Ellis, 19 North Kealing; Linda L.

Ledgerwood, 3924. North Audubon. David Lines 922 North Hamilton; Eva C. Darting, 922 North Hamilton. Eunice D.

Campbell, Fortville, Rita J. Lake, 2029 South State. Billy W. Johnson, Beech Grove, Bonita J. Cox, Beech Grove, Ind.

Richard C. Byerly, 5135 Post Road; Patricia De Grange, 8318 East 41st. Danial A. Barlow, 352 West 30th; Victoria J. Bryant, 2903 North Talbott.

BURIAL PERMITS Linnie Bain, 86 years old, St. Vincent's, arteriosclerotic heart disease. Henry Issac Barbour, General, 64, cancer. Blanch Catt, 75, Methodist, diabetes. Florine B.

Clift, 61, Methodist, carcinoma. Ruth Fishback, 83, Community, pneumonia. Mack Flippen, 71, Veterans, cirrhosis. Edwin Earl Gaston, 80, Methodist, cerebral vascular. Myrtle Mary Gilmer, 81, Methodist, embolus.

Elsie M. Gunzolus, 84, 515 Blake, coronary occlusion. Joseph Morris Hammond, 49, Long, pneumonia. Aloysius Michael Kemp, 57, Community, carcinoma. Wilbern D.

Lutes, 81, 339 South Catherwood, arteriosclerotic heart disease. John C. Maguire 75, 1916 'North Goodlet, coronary occlusion. Fred Maholland, 59, General, embolism. Ethel George Walter Miller, 68, Long, embolism.

S. Pattison, 83, Community, arteriosclerosis. Victoria Posha Posia, 67, 1323 North Gladstone, coronary occlusion. Mervin Ring, 54, 823 Olive, arteriosclerotic heart disease. Dar Austin, Robinson, 74, Methodist, emphysema.

Reeve, 59, Thomas, Veterans, arteriosclerotic heart disease. Beverly L. Thompson, 78, 40 North Mount, arteriosclerosis. Mable Webster, 77, St. Vincent's, diverticulosis.

William Riley Wilkerson, 75, 4326 East 30th, thrombosis. Johanna Jennie Urbancic, 82, St. Vincent's, thrombosis. Nicholas John Connor 4270 Knollton Road, coronary occlusion. Godfrey Gabe Driskell, 53, 23.40 South Ritter, arteriosclerotic heart.

disease. Mitchell C. Johnson, 67, St. Francis, thrombosis. Freeda M.

Kottkamp, 77, St. Francis, arteriosclerosis. PERSONAL INJURY ACCIDENTS Yesterday 7:50 a.m., 14 Street and King Avenue, Miss Carol Swathwood, 18 years old, 3280 Voight Court, internal Injuries; Miss Cathleen Gubbs, 20, 5631 Gateway Drive, hip injuries; Miss Paula Shelly, 19, 5631 Gateway Drive, leg, head and neck Injuries. 7:55 a.m., McCrea and Louisiana streets, Mrs. Mary L.

Hall, 39, Worthington, stomach and right hand Injuries. 12:02 p.m., Raymond and Orange streets, Mrs. Elsie F. Gregory, 27, 3303 South Parker Avenue, head injury. 12:22 p.m., 1-465 and Ind.

67, Robert J. Clark, 26, Cincinnati, whiplash; Mrs. Marian Clark, 26, Cincinnati, whiplash. 12:32 Mitchell p.m., Warren and Oliver avenues, Cornette, 10, 725 East Morris Street, head injuries. 12:49 p.m., 30th Street and Northwestern Avenue, Collis Blane, 30, 1209 North Holmes Avenue, back and leg injuries; Robert J.

Schwab, 46, 8399 North Illinofs Street, nose and hand injuries. 4:40 p.m., Randolph Street and Woodlawn Avenue, Brenda Bradshaw, 5, 1831 Woodlawn Avenue, leg injury. 5:47 p.m., Riverview Drive and East 66th Street, Mrs. Anna Boyd, 52, 1165 West 30th Street, neck and wrist injuries. Avenue, 7:05 p.m., 10th Street and Highland Pamela Hopper, 5, 926 Highland Avenue, mouth cuts.

7:46 p.m., 42d Street and Winthrop Avenue, Miss Susan G. Utterback, 16, 4122 North Park Avenue, nose injury; Richard D. Aldrich, 22, 2002 North Bancroft Avenue, leg injury. 7:54 p.m., Rural and York streets, Daniel Fry, 17, 1511 Olive Street, head injury. CITY FIRE RUNS Yesterday 7:04 a.m., 3027 North New Jersey Street, residence.

7:20 a.m., 4109 Central Avenue, resldence. 9:29 a.m., 135 East 48th Street, first aid. 10:28 a.m., 1111 Lexington Avenue, residence. 11:01 a.m., 612 Blake Street, false alarm. 11:25 a.m., 2212 North Talbot Avenue, person locked out of residence.

11:41 a.m., 3350 Sutherland Avenue, assist police. 2:20 p.m., 2215 Alvord Street, trash. 2:36 p.m., 219 South Kenmore Road, grass. 2:39 p.m., 7000 North College Avenue, grass. 2:55 p.m., Jefferson Avenue and Belt Railroad, grass.

2:58 p.m., 3641 North Arthington Boulevard, false alarm. 3:26 p.m., 1026 North Traub Avenue, first aid. 3:48 p.m., 2103 Senate Avenue, trash. 4:06 p.m., 8116 East 37th Place, grass. 4:16 p.m., 4100 Baker Drive, grass.

4:17 p.m., 2107 North Pennsylvania Street, first aid. 4:23 p.m., 523 North Pine Street, auto. 4:31 p.m., 34th Street and Sutherland Avenue, grass. 4:41 p.m., 62d Street and Keystone Avenue, trash. 4:49 p.m., 321 North Pennsylvania Street, construction scaffolds.

4:57 p.m., 735 West 11th Street, first aid. 5:15 p.m., 54th Street and Pennsylvania streets, auto. 6:35 p.m., 50 West 27th Street, auto. 6:59 p.m., 852 North East Street, mattress. 7:44 p.m., 4421 East Washington Street, first aid.

8:19 p.m., 39th Street and Keystone Avenue, trash. 8:47 p.m., 3029 Central Avenue, false alarm. 9:41 p.m., 1700 South West Street, first aid. 9:51 p.m., 431 North Illinois Street, first aid. 10 p.m..

3700 Kiel A Avenue, tree. 10:06 p.m., 100 East Washington Street, auto. Refinery Blast Toll Up Lake Charles, La. (UPI) Workmen who already had pulled the charred bodies of five men from a devastated area of a giant Cities Service petro-chemical plant, yesterday found the sixth and final victim of an explosion which rocked the $350 million refinery Tuesday. William J.

Ryan, retired Realtor and one of the founders of the Indianapolis Athletic Club, died yesterday in his home at 135 East 48th Street. He was 81 years old. A lifelong resident of I Indianapolis, Mr. Ryan several years ago after being in the real estate business about 20 years. He also had been associated Arthur Ashcraft Dies; Union Business Agent Funeral services for Arthur J.

Ashcraft, 61 years old, 3652 Breen Drive, business agent and secretary of Plasterers Local 46, will be held at 8:40 a.m. Saturday in Grinsteiner Funeral Home and at 9 a.m. in Holy Cross Catholic Church. Entombment will be in Washington Park East Mausoleum. Friends may call after 1 p.m.

today. Mr. Ashcraft died Wednesday while vacationing in Yellowstone National Park. A lifelong resident of Indianapolis, he was a member of Holy Cross Catholic Church and International Plasterers' Union 46. Survivors include the widow, Mrs.

Louise Ashcraft; three daughters, Mrs. Mary Taylor and Mrs. Jean Thompson, both of Indianapolis, and Mrs. Carol Sue Clemenz of Noblesville; a brother, John Ashcraft, a sister, Mrs. Catherine Munshower, both of Indianapolis and nine grandchildren.

George L. Andriakos Funeral services for George L. Andriakos, 56 years old, 17 South Belmont Avenue, theater owner, will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday at the Holy Trinity Hellenic Orthodox Church. Burial will be in Crown Hill Cemetery.

Mr. Andriakos died Wednesday in Winona Memorial Hospital. He had owned the Belmont and Mars Hill theaters for 15 years. Before that, he had coowned and operated the Greek Candy Store at Princeton for 30 years. Born at Bloomington, he had been a resident of Indianapolis for 20 years and was a member of the Holy Trinity Church.

He served with the United States Army in World War II. Survivors include three sisters, Mrs. Mayme Sarantos of Midland, Mrs. Dena Colitas of Manchester, N.H., and Mrs. Cleo Sumner of Arcadia; and three brothers, Chris Andriakos of St.

Petersburg, Thanas Andriakos of Owensboro, and Pete Andriakos of Princeton. Pilots Say Navy Plane Unsuited For Carrier Use Washington (UPI) Test pilots charged in' testimony made public yesterday that the Navy version of the controversial F-111 fighter-bomber could never be capable of carrier operations. Defense officials denied it. Navy fliers criticized the airplane during closed hearbeings before the Senate committee government operations July 14. The pilots based their assessment on test flights of earlier models of the plane that had not been modified for carrier use.

But they concluded: "The F-111B remains unfit for service use as previously reported and was found to be incapable of carrier-based operations." They also charged that the craft was deficient in the length of time it could remain at high altitude. It was learned they listed 100 improvements they thought should be made. Fair Names Winners In 4-H Dress Revue Winners in the 4-H dress revue last night at the Marion County Fairgrounds near Five Points follow: Barbara Gemmer, 6306 Douglas Road, Washington Township, suits; Linda Bradley, 2425 West Lane Road, Pike Township, formals; Janis Maines, 2275 East 75th Street, Washington Township, separates; Pat Gross, 7324 Forest Park Drive, Perry Township, coats, and Rita Vuskalns, R.R. 5, Franklin Township, dresses. with the old Roy Wilmeth Ford dealership.

Mr. Ryan was a charter member and former director of the Antelope Club. He was a member of St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church, Pius Council of the Knights of Columbus, Elks Club and Kiwanis Club. Funeral services will be held at 9:30 a.m.

Saturday at the Feeney-Kirby Mortuary and at 10 a.m. at St. Joan of Arc church. Burial will be in Holy Cross Cemetery. Friends may call after 1 p.m.

today at the funeral home. Survivors include the widow, Mrs. Stella D. Ryan; four daughters, Mrs. Roy Wilmeth, Mrs.

John Feeser, Mrs. Suzanne R. Wood, and Mrs. Richard Zapapas, all of Indianapolis; a sister, Mrs. Byron Young of Lafayette; 19 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.

L. L. Rogers Dies; Owned Heating Firm Funeral services for Law. rence L. Rogers, 65 years old, 1811 Central Avenue, owner and operator of Automatic Heating Service, will be held at 11 a.m.

Saturday in Flanner and Buchanan Fall Creek Mortuary. Burial will be in Crown Hill Cemetery. Mr. Rogers died Wednesday in his home. Born in Cincinnati, he was a resident of Indianapolis for 30 years.

He had owned the heating service firm for 15 years. Mr. Rogers served with the United States Army in World War II. Survivors include the widow, Mrs. Barbara M.

Rogers, a stepson, Rev. Charles R. Plumlee of Knoxville, and three grandchildren. Ernest C. Gadberry Ernest C.

Gadberry, 60 years old, 4115 East Pleasant Run Parkway, South Drive, died yesterday in Community Hospital. A lifelong resident of Indianapolis, Mr. Gadberry had been a construction superintendent for various companies before retiring a year ago. He served with the United States Army during World War II. He was a member of Englewood Christian Church, Irvington Masonic Lodge 666 and Brotherhood of Carpenters Local 60.

Funeral services will be held at 3. p.m. Saturday in Shirley Brothers Drexel Chapel. Burial will be in Washington Park East Cemetery. Survivors include the widow.

Mrs. Thelma S. Gadberry, and four sisters, Mrs. Merrill E. Johnson of Miami, Mrs.

Guy F. Jarrett of Indianapolis, and Mrs. Ruth Gray and Mrs. Marjorie Hastings, both of Silver Springs, Md. Indianapolis, Area Deaths 1.49⅞ 1.57 1.62¼ 1.64½ 1.62⅞ 1.20 1.18⅜ 1.22⅞ 1.25¾ 1.27⅞ 1.21½ 1.26⅝ 1.31 1.33¼ 2.73½ 2.68⅞ 2.66¾ 2.70⅝ 2.73½ 2.76⅜ 2.77½ 9.38 9.43 9.44 9.40 9.38 9.40 9.42 MEAL 73.65 72.00 70.90 70.30 70.50 70.75 71.20 Mrs.

Eva Leone O'Connor, 77, 805 North Bosart Avenue, died Wednesday in a local nursing home. Dudley Barlow, 65, 1144 Vandeman Avenue, died Wednesday in Marion County General Hospital. Mrs. Barbara Jeanne Breidenbaugh, 33, 4432 North Sheridan Avenue, died yesterday at Methodist Hospital. Mrs.

Melvin Itson, 45, 823 Pica Street, died Wednesday in -Marion County General Hospital. Frank Jareczek, 66, 2201 North Spencer Avenue, died Wednesday in Community Hospital. Mrs. Florence J. Little, 76, 2217 Roosevelt Avenue, died yesterday in Community Hospital, Ernest Powell, 52, 519 Blake Street, died Wednesday in his home.

Mrs. Lillis Siersdorfer, 86, 2285 North Meridian Street, apartment, died yesterday in Methodist Hospital. Mrs. Matilda D. Saunders, 85, Barton House, died Wednesday in the nursing home.

Mrs. Mary Woodard, 64, 2312 Columbia Avenue, died yesterday in her home. Punctured Container Stirs Radiation Scare A radiation scare about 4:45 a.m. yesterday at the Pacific Intermountain Express Trucking Company terminal at 315 West Wilkins Street turned out to be a false alarm, authorities said. Police and Fort Benjamin Harrison ordnance specialists were sent to the scene after a container believed packed with enriched uranium was punctured.

United States Army Col. Eugene Trinklein, provost marshal at Fort Harrison, said radiation was negligible..

The Indianapolis Star from Indianapolis, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.