The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts (2024)

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THE BOSTON GLOBE SATURDAY, JANUARY 21, 1939 5 Greater Boston News Briefs and Personal Paragraphs East Boston Charged with assembly theatre, Austin Meridian arraigned before Brown this forenoon trict Court. BULLETIN having disturbed alto a Socci, dian of fined $20 when Judge Charles J. in the Dis- Under the direction of Joseph Heil, P.C., and Joseph Palmeri, S.V.C., a membership drive has opened by East Boston Post, V. peep. A special discussion of books for children by a prominent speaker will be given before the Star of the Sea Book Club Monday evening at the Orient Heights Branch Library.

A curre book will be reviewed by Catherine C. Ahearn. John J. Hastings, P.G.K., is chairfor the ladies' night to be held Tuesday evening by Fitton Council, K. of at the council rooms.

An inter-council tournament in several kinds of games, checkers, table tennis, pool and bowling will be held Monday evening by Fitton Council, K. of with Winthrop Council at Winthrop. Miss Arlene Leary, Condor entertained the Seventh District Junior Past Presidents' Club at the past mid-Winter meeting. A free public lecture on "Parole" will be given Wednesday evening at the Joseph Barnes School by Miss Mildred Keane. An entertainment program will be included.

Mrs. Amelia Mass is chairman of the sponsoring committee. Winchester The Winchester Chapter, Guild of the Infant Savior, will meet on next Tuesday afternoon in Lyceum Hall. Miss Maryalice Parker will be the speaker. Her subject will be "Interior Decorating." The funeral of Charles I.

Chamberlan1, who died at the Winchester Hospital, Thursday, took place this morning with a high mass of requiem at St. Mary's Church at 9 o'clock. Burial was in Calvary Cemetery, East Woburn. The Winchester Ski Club sponsored a successful fashion show and dance last evening in the Town Hall. Richard A.

Harlow, president of the club, acted as general chairman of the dance. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bugbee of Symmes road left yesterday for Atlantic City where they will spend 8 week's vacation. Hyde Park Funeral services for Joseph Martini, who died Thursday, will be held at the home, 17 Grant tomorrow afternoon with a high mass of requiem to be celebrated at the Church of the Most Precious Blood on Monday morning.

The Companions of the Forest of America of this district will meet Monday evening at Pythian Hall. After a short business session a penny sale will take place. James F. Stanton Court, C. D.

of will conduct a mystery party Monday evening in K. of C. Hall. Members are invited to bring their friends. Mary Fahey is chairman.

A Board meeting of the Hyde Park of Trade will be held Monday evening at Current Events Hall. Ellery H. Clark, executive secretary of the Massachusetts Humane Society will present medals to Delmo Barelli and Mario Rampino. Funeral services for Harold J. O'Connell, who died Friday, will be held at the home, 11 Radford Monday mornings Church with a solemn high mass at of the Most Precious Blood, at 10.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ciccocioppo of 117 West announce the enA. to gagement William of their daughter Mary Esposito, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Francis Esposito of Readville. Winthrop Rev. John Connolly, diocesan director of the Guild for the Blind, will speak to the Catholic Women's Club Monday evening at St. John's Hall. A musical program will be presented by a group of blind boys who are cared for by the guild.

Mrs. Leo L. Haskell is chairman. The nine persons appointed special police officers to carry out the listing of residents for the board of registrars are Joseph W. McIntyre, Circuit road; Horace A.

Edwards, Hermon George W. Ray, Court road; Frederick E. Boland. Bayou Harry A. Torrey, Cliff Horace A.

Magee, Johnson Harriet M. Millington, Sargent Stephen Simmons, Highland and Dorothy R. Stewart, Beacon st. A conference was held yesterday at which instructions were issued. The town divided into nine sections, one to each canvasser.

The cooperation of residents is requested. Winthrop Council. K. of will be host to Fitton Council of East Boston at an intercouncil tournament Monday evening. N.

Y. CURB MARKET NEW YORK, Jan. 21-Losses that ran to better than a point were registered in a liquidating movement in the week-end session of the New York Curb Exchange. Aluminum, was off 2 points, while, American, Jones Gas and Laughlin Electric was down more than a point, while dropped a point. Other aviations lost fractions.

Pittsburg Plate Glass was off better than a point. The mining and oil shares were generally off for fractional losses, though Lake Shore closed with a small gain. The Utilities were mainly lower in a fractional way. Following is a table of transactions: Sales High Low Last 100 Aero Mig 100 400 Ainsworth Sup Mfg 100 fAir Investors 2 2 2 50 Ala Gt Sou 10 Ala Pow $7 pr 76 76 76 350 Alum Co .118 115 50 Alum Co Am 250 Alum Ltd 129 129 500 tAm Airlines 300 Am Beverage 10 Am Book 58 58 58 100 tAm Box 700 tAm 200 tAm Cit 1000 Cyan 300 war. 1 1700 Gas El 35 Am pr 113 100 Am Laun Mch 300 Am Light 25 Am Mig 14 14 14 400 Am Maracaibo 100 Am Meter 27 200 tAm Republic 83 2000 Am Superpow 200 Am Superp 1 500 Am Superpow pr.

19 19 100 Apex Elec 14. 14 14 50 Appal El 100 Rad Tube 1000 Ark Nat Gas 3 3 300 Ashland Oil 500 Asso El 100 El war. 1-32 1-32 1-32 100 Atlas Ply 23 23 23 600 Prod 2 2 100 100 tAvery 1200 Aviation Tran 00 290 A A 300 Babco*ck 100 Loco 21 800 Baldwin Loco 100 Rub 100 Sta 200 Bath Iron 900 Beech Airc 800 Bell Airc 32 31 31 50 Bell Tel Pa pr .121 121 300 100 Benson Bellanca Hed 18 18 200 Furn. 18 200 war 800 Bliss 300 Ridge 100 Bowm Bilt H. 400 Braz Tr 200 Corp 1700 Brewst Aero 100 63 700 Br-Am Tob 22 21 50 Brown Co pr.

100 Brown 800 El Prod vte .100 1200 Carrier Corp 18 00 300 Cen sw Am Ut 1 500 100 Cen 200 Cen St El pr 50 Chesebrough .128 128 128 50 Chi Flex 67 67 67 200 Cities Service 200 Cit Sve pr 48 50 10 Cit Sve $6 pr 44 44 BB. 44 100 Claude Neon Lts 350 El Illum 100 Cleve Tractor 200 Club Al Uten 100 Colo war 50 Colum pr 67 67 67 12200 Colum 400 war 5-32 500 Wat Sve 200 Sh vtc. 16 100 Biscuit 6. 1700 Cons Coppermin 100 Cons Balt 100 100 Cons Ret Gas Strs 51 Ut 300 Cons Stl Corp C7 500 Cont 00 00 00 500 100 Coop-Bess pr 100 Petro 100 Petro pr 200 Pet 23 23 500 Crocker- Wh El M.

00 8 300 Brewing 100 Milner 3 100 Pet 200 Crown Drug 200 Davenp Hos 15 400 Decca Records 6 6 6 100 pr 500 Divo Twin Trk. 100 50 Duke Dobeckmun Power 65 FEE 400 Duro-Test 5 300 Eagle Pich Ld East 6 pr 200 East pr 23 221 50 East Sta pr 19 19 19 25 East Sta 100 Easy Wash 50 Econ Gro Strs 2400 1 Elsier Elec 15300 El Bond Sh 600 Bond Sh pr. 68 500 El Sh $5 Dr. 603 60 100 "Pow 100 El As 50 El 2 pr 28 28 100 El 1900 11 100 200 500 Enam. 18 30 Fire As 62 62 62 1200 Fisk Rub, 25 Fisk Rub 80 80 80 50 Fla $7 pr.

67 67 67 200 Ford Can 100 Franki Ray, 100 100 Tel 200 Glen Alden Coal. 43 4 100 Gorh Mig vte 225 Gt 80 100 Gt 1st 2400 Str 700 Bunker Hill The funeral of Bridget (O'Neil) O'Loughlin, former resident of Warren who passed away at the Holy Ghost Hospital following a long sickness, was held this morning from P. J. McArdle's funeral home, Chelsea st. A high mass of requiem was celebrated in St.

Mary's Church at 9 o'clock. Interment was in Holy Cross Cemetery, Malden, with prayers at the grave by Rev. John G. Hogan. Division 3, Ladies' Auxiliary, A.

O. will conduct a special party Wednesday evening in St. Mary's Womens Clubhouse. Mrs. Catherine Doolin, chairman, is assisted by Pres.

Catherine Driscoll, Mrs. Annie Dick, Miss Mary Hennigan and Mrs. Julia Murphy. The Mary E. Bogan Auxiliary, U.

S. W. meets Monday evening at 38 Cross st. Officers of District 3, Charlestown, M. C.

O. will be installed Monday evening in Memorial Hall. A penny sale is to be held by the United American Veterans of Bunker Hill Post 11, in G. A. R.

Hall, Green next Wednesday evening. James J. Blakie is in charge. Lexington The Lexington High School senior class presented the play, "Capt. Applejack," in the High School auditorium last evening.

The scenery all built by students of the mechanical arts department. The play, which was under the direction of Albion C. Hart, will be repeated this evening at 8:30. The cast included Evelyn Hooper, Laurel Hanson, Bud Etherington, Louise Hanson, Pauline Koch, John Hayward, Allan Ward, Kenneth Long, Wesley Field and Claude Clark. Kenneth E.

Moyle, the faculty adviser, assisted in the production, with Mrs. Margaret H. Sandberger as music director and Jean Ferguson business manager. Many other assisted. A public hearing was held by the town Board of Appeals, Arthur N.

Maddison, chairman, in the Selectmen's room last evening on the matter of determining the application of the zoning law by permitting on the premises owned Edward I. Berman, 7 Massachusetts the maintenance of a salesroom for motor vehicles and the storage and repair of motor vehicles upon. the petition of William H. White Jr. of Arlington, Sales High Low Last 25 Utah 55.

55. 55. 50 Util Equit pr. 400 Corp 11 100 Pet 1 18 200 B-BR. 00 500 Waco Airc 6 100 Min I 100 Mfg 001 100 West Air Exp.

300 300 Pet 6 700 Wright Harg 100 Pac Total stock sales today, 143,000 shares. Year ago, 74,460. DOMESTIC BONDS 5 Ala Pow 5s 100 100 35 Ala '67. 86 1 Alumin Ltd 5s 20 Am 6s 2016. 2 Am Rad 7 tArkLouGas 4s 15 Ark 5s 19 As Elec '53.

5 5s '50. 34 2 As '77 41 41 41 11 As 5s 32 32 As 48 9 '49 31 31 6 As 55A 77 77 11 6s 105 105 6 Birm El '68. 21 Car 5s 6 Cen 5s 1 Cen Pow 5s '57 84 84 84 20 St El 55 '54 37 10 Cen 48. 60 60 36 36 Chi Ry 5s ct. 18 Cities Cities Ser Ser 5s 5s '66 '69 77 77 77 4 Cities 5s '58 73 32 Cities Ser 5s '50 3 CitS Gas 101 Cit 49 31 Cit Pow '52 6 Comm 5s '57.

78 PS 101 101 1 6s'43st 63 38 Cont 5s '58A 87 Cubn Tob 5s '44. 66 66 Cudahy 8 '52 00 7 Det Int 1 7 TE 4s '56 A 65 65 22 Elec 5s 2030 2 Emp Dis 5s 5 Erie Ltg 5s '67 20 2 Fla Estone 5s 5s '54 981 5 GenPubUt 833 19 Geo Pow 5s '67 4 Geo 5s '78 60 3 45'46 961 45 9 Ill 5s'56C. 98 18 Ill 1001 1 Ind El 10 Ind Hyd El 5s'58. 87 87 5 Indapls Gas 5s'52. 79 2 Int 7s'57 1 Int Sec 7s'51 1 Int 48 48 48 48 Inters Pow 5s'57 86 5 IntersPSvc 79 79 Ia-Neb 101 101 4 JerC 1 Kan Pow 5s'47 A.102¼ 1 Ky Util 105 105 105 8 Ky Util F.100¼ 99 13 Ky Util 4 Ky Util 2 102 102 1 Lehigh PS62026A.108⅝ 5 Lex Util 100 100 9 Lou 106 106 37 Memph 5s'48 Metro Ed 13 1 Mid Milw GLt 19 Minn 101.

101. 5 Minn 4 Miss Co5s'57 Miss Pow 5s'55. 86 7 Pub Svc5s'60 78 78 78 6 Nat 6s2026A. 102 102 102 17 Nat 5s2030B 97 1 Neisner Bro 6s'48. 97 97 97 2 Nevada Cal E5s'56 82 2 New AmstGas548.118⅛ 2 Eng 57 57 Eng 58 58 Eng Pow5s s'54 48.

97 Orl PS5s'42st. 100 6 NYSt No Ind 8 No Pb 4 NolndPS 104 1 tOkla Norwest El Gas 6s45 st.105⅝ 1 8 106 28 Pac Pac Coast 5s'55 807 2 Ishld 3s'64 34 34 5 93 93 3 Pen El 45'71 99 99 99 5 Ed Pen-Oh 6s'50 Pen Pb Sv 108 108 104 104 9 94 94 2 Phila El 1 Phila Rap Tr 65'62 3 Portid 5s'40 72 17 PugSd 5 PugSd 5s 50C 77 76 3 Scullin Stl 3s '51. 63 75 75 63 75 63 10 So 6s 2025 A 8 Car Pow 5s '57 1S Cal Cal Ed 110 110 So'w 5s'57 61 A.103⅝ A.103½ 2 Stan 65'48 st 633 St 65'48 cv st 3 Stand 6s '51. 63 63 Stand 6s '66. 12 Stand 6s '57.

62 2 El Corp 5s 5s '50 Tenn '56 93 93 93 18 Tex El 5s '60. 17 55 104 104 7 TW Tide 55 '79 A 89 4 CRT A 53 521 1 50 4th st 48 48 48 Unit '74 Unit 65 76 76 Unit 106 1 19 Unit '52 Un 65 73 A 6s 2022A Virg PS 46A. 943 55'50 B. 88 Waldorf-Ast 5s'54 15 West Wash Wat 1061 2 WU 105 105 105 Wis 55 44.106 106 106 A 1 York Rys 55'47 st FOREIGN BONDS 2 Bogo Bk BogotaMBk 1 Fin RMBk 5s'61st. 102 Isarco Hy El 7s'52 524 Lima Peru '58 11 25 Russ 1921..

Stinnes 45'40 2d 'st 61 61 61 Total bond sales today, year agO, $926,000. Tomorrow's Events BOSTON 2 P. 13, January Typographical Union No. meeting at Kingsley Hall, Ashburton pl. 2:30 P.

M. -Boston Museum of Fine Arts, concert at Tapestry Gallery, 8 P. M. Jewish Women's College Club meeting at Hotel Statler; Flora Levin, chairman. 3 P.

Massachusetts State Hairdressers and Cosmetologists Association meeting and supper at Hotel Statler. 3 P. M. Diocesan championship debate for girls between St. Mary's H.

Brookline, and St. Mary's H. Lynn Mt. St. Joseph Academy, Brighton; Rev.

Richard J. Quinian, chairman. 3 P. Club monthly meeting at Copley-Plaza; Rev. Robert P.

Barry, speaker. 4 P. Medical School health lecture at 300 Longwood av. Dr. Tracy B.

Mallory, speaker. P. Besant Lodge, Theosophical Society lecture at 687 Boyiston st. Fritz Kunz, speaker. 7:45 P.

Hall Forum at Ashburton pl. Jim Tully, speaker. 8 P. City Club of Boston lecture and motion pictures at 40 Beacon st. Edith Sinnett, speaker.

8 P. M. Communist Party meeting at Symphony Hall. William Weinstone, speaker. BRIGHTON P.

D. Crowley testimonial committee at Old Town Hall. Bernard S. McNamara, chairman, 6:45 P. M.

Temple B'nai Moshe at Temple Schoolhouse. Dinner and installation of temple officers. Rabbi Joseph Shubow. Brookline "Literature day" will be observed by the Brookline Women's Club in Whitney Hall Monday afternoon. Dr.

James Gordon Gilkey will speak. Mrs. Daniel B. Andrews will preside. Mrs.

Ruth Elliot Smith will be heard in pianoforte selections. Mrs. George A. Ramlose, hostess, will be assisted by Mrs. Thomas W.

De Ware, Mrs. Lester G. Provo, Mrs. James Tonra and Mrs. Arthur C.

Morey. The Harvard Church Brotherhood will observe fathers and sons night at the new year dinner meeting Thursday evening. Bertram Adams will present "An Evening of Magic." Selectman Daniel Tyler Jr. will preside. Rev.

Richard J. Cushing, director of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, lectured last night at Court Brookline, C. at the Elks' Home. Miss Marjorie' Nyhan presented a group of young dancers. Miss Marguerite Niland and Miss Peggy Barrett sang several songs, accompanied by Miss Helen Ryan.

Mrs. Thomas Daxon is chairman of the bridge and whist to be conducted Monday evening by the St. Clare Guild at the Elks' Home. Mrs. James Arthur Came, past junior adviser of the Brookline Junior Women's Club, will entertain the club at a dinner at the Colonial Club, Boylston Monday evening.

The funeral of Joseph Kennedy, World War veteran, who died at the Chelsea Naval Hospital Thursday, will be held tomorrow. Services will be conducted at St. Mary's of the Assumption Church, Harvard at 2. Monday morning a high mass of requiem at the same church at 9. Jamaica Plain Girl 82 Hours in Coma Unconscious nearly 82 hours following an automobile accident Tuesday night, Virginia MacLean, 8- year-old daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. John W. MacLean, 623 Centre Jamaica Plain, was reported resting comfortably and in fair condition by Faulkner Hospital authori-, ties today. Virginia, who suffered a fractured skull, concussion of the brain and other injuries in the accident, showed increasing signs of recovering from her coma, it was reported. Her name is still on the danger list.

$500,000 Addition to Hospital Sought An addition, to cost $500,000, to the John Adams Hospital at the Soldiers Home, Chelsea, is recomthe special commission appointed to mended in a report filed today, by make a study of that institution. The proposed addition would contain 178 beds, besides an operating room, a pharmacy, quarters for nurses and necessary equipment. FIVE SOMERVILLE YOUTHS FACE LARCENY CHARGES Five Somerville youths, three of them juveniles, were in District Court today on two charges of larceny of atuomobiles and two charges of breaking and entering in the night time and larceny, as a result of investigations conducted by Inspectors John L. Powers, John H. Baker and Edward G.

Forristall. The police charged the youths with breaking and entering a filling station at Medford and School sts. and also a dwelling house on Governor Winthrop road, where money and jewelry valued at $140 was taken. The arrests followed the picking up of a Somerville boy stolen in Arlington in an automobile, from Quincy this city, on Thursday afternoon. The cases were all continued until next Saturday.

MISS ALICE NOYDE WEDS FREDERIC PRUSSMAN Miss Alice I. Noyde, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Noyde of 22 Dante Belmont, was married this morning to Frederic C. Prussman, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Henry Prussman of 137 Murdock Brighton, at the Emanuel Swedish Lutheran Church, Roxbury. Rev. Anders M. Benander performed the ceremony.

Mrs. Evan Anderson, of Belmont, sister of the bride, was matron of of honor the and bridegroom, Walter was Prussman, best man. brother I EAST BOSTON 2:30 P. M. Fitton Notre Dame Alumnae Association at Fitton School: midWinter meeting; Mrs.

Anna Bonner, pres. WEST ROXBURY P. Faulkner Hospital free health lecture; Dr. Alexander Bess, speaker. EVERETT 5:45 P.

People's Society meeting at Glendale Baptist Church: Richard Courage, of Marietta expedition. speaker. P. byterian Church concert choir. by First Pres8 P.

-American Jewish Congress meeting at Hebrew Center. LEXINGTON 8 A. -Community Day at Public Works Building, Bedford to load trucks with "hurricane" firewood for the needy, REVERE 2:30 P. M. Beachmont Catholic Women's Club at General Edwards Inn, annual tea; Thomas H.

Eliot, speaker. SOMERVILLE 3 P. meeting Isabella Irish-American Club at Hall, K. of C. Building.

6:30 P. M. -Sabbath School Union of the West Somerville Institute, meeting and supper at First Universalist Church, Melrose; Miss Katherine Yerrinton, Arlington, Miss Mildred Keefe, Boston University, and Frank Grebe, Newton, speakers. Brighton Officers of Evangeline Chapter, O. E.

will 1 be installed Monday at Warren Hall, Washington st. Mrs. Annie D. Neill, grand conductor of the Grand Lodge, will be installing officer. Officers to be inducted are Mrs.

E. Prussman, worthy matron; Harold W. Fletcher, worthy patron; Miss Ella May Hebberd, associate matron; Walter E. Hammett, associate patron; Mrs. Anna T.

Vorbrink, Mrs. Mary G. McLeod, Mrs. Deris M. Schroeder, conductor, and Miss Phyllis M.

Hall, associate con. Brighton Council, K. of will engage Newton Council in an intercouncil bowling tournament, the first match to be held at the Brighton Catholic Institute Building, Market Thursday evening, Feb. 2.1 James J. Greeley is chairman.

A meeting of the courts of District 7, M. C. O. will be held at the Brighton Catholic Institute building Jan. 30.

St. Columbkille's, Fr. Rossi, Fr. Campbell and St. Genevieve Courts will be hosts to the other courts of Brighton, Allston and Brookline.

Committees will be named to arrange for the minstrel show to be presented later in the season by the courts of the district. Troop 8 of the Brighton Boy Scouts will hold its first annual parents' night at the Brighton High School, Warren Feb. 15. An entertainment under the auspices Girl Scout Mariner Ship, No. 2, of this district, will be presented at the Faneuil Congregational Church Wednesday night.

Marion C. Moreland is chairman. Wally Has" More Royal Blood Than the Queen" NEW YORK, Jan. 21 (A. Members of "the friends of the Duke of Windsor in America" want a new post created for Britain's ex-KingSecretary of Peace for the World's Democracies.

They loyally cheered the suggestion by socially prominent Mrs. Lewis Stuyvesant Chanler, president, at a banquet last night celebrating the third anniversary of Edward VIII's brief reign. He abdicated Dec. 11, 1936, to marry Wallis Warfield Simpson. Rev.

Dr. Christian F. Reisner of the Broadway Tabernacle nominated Duke for a place on the National Labor several Relations other speakers After eulogized the Duke, Dr. Louise Ball startled group, no one of whom, Mrs. Chanler said, had ever met or seen the former British monarch.

for an American woman." with a demand that they, "stick up Saying the duch*ess has "more royal blood in her veins than the present Queen of England," Dr. Ball, who is active in Society of Virginia Women, said: "We are offending the Duke by omitting her from the honors given here A toast to the duch*ess than was drunk by everybody, except two solemn Englishmen. "Sorry," one apologized. "So sorry." South Boston Boys Slashed by Men Attacked by two men armed with sharp instruments, whom they described as "middle-aged foreigners," Arthur Melia, 18, 682 4th and Paul Feeney, 18, 708 East 6th both South Boston, were slashed about the face, arms and hands in a struggle at and East 4th early today. After beating off their assailants, the youths walked to the Carney Hospital for treatment.

Police said the youths declared the attack was entirely without provocation. Lee Man Injured, Malden Man Fined ALBANY, Jan. 21 (A. Jerry King, 31, of Lee, suffered multiple lacerations of the face and head today when an rutomobile left a highway and a crashed into a tree. Byron F.

McDonald of Malden, with whom King was riding, was fined $25 for reckless driving. Police Release a Trap Dorchester Woman Calls Station When Mouse Caught in Pantry No woman can stand idly by and watch a "poor dumb" animal suffer, even when the victim in question happens to be the pesky little mouse that has been fattening up on the pantry stores, officers of the Fields Corner Station, Dorchester, learned this morning. Answering an emergency call to a Victoria-st. apartment, patrolmen Carl Weick and Edward Dever rushed up the steps into the house with drawn, guns, only to confronted middle-aged housewife Dorchester Members of the Newhall Junior Friday Night Club met last evening at the home of Miss Mary Remmes, 50 Nahant av. Among those present were Eileen Ronan, Marie Maloney, Mahoney, Marie and Betty Clifford, Dolly and Flossie LaBlanc.

Daniel Doherty, past national commander of American Legion, will be tendered an informal reception in American Legion Hall, Cedar Grove, Monday evening, under auspices of Old Dorchester Post. Commander John Walsh and a committee are in charge. A course in first aid begins at the Grover Cleveland School, Charles Feb. 2. Registration is open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:30 to 9:30 prior to the opening of the class.

A testimonial banquet will be given to Representative Thomas J. Hannon Ward 13 on Thursday evening, Feb. 13, at the Dorchester Plaza by citizens and workers of the ward, David Thompson of 37 Folsom Ladies' "Auxiliary 18, A. O. gave a whist party last evening in aid of its charity fund, Mrs.

Lucy Korb, hostess. A memorial mass was celebrated this morning in St. Brendan's Church, Gallivan boulevard, under auspices of the women's sodalities of the church. Cambridge A new class volunteers of Cambridge Chapter, Red Cross, will be started in the class room at Fire Headquarters, Kirkland st. and Broaway, next Wednesday evening.

Capt. George Friel, head of the rescue squad of the Department, will conduct the classes, which will be conducted primarily for Red Cross motor drivers. The course is open to the public and is free, but, persons taking it must register the Red Cross headquarters, 42 Brattle st. Plans for a sale will be discussed by the Ladies' Auxiliary, A. O.

Tuesday evening at the K. of C. Hall, North Cambridge. Mrs. Katherine C.

Regan, will preside. Following the meeting a social hour and refreshments will be enjoyed. The second of the monthly and whist parties sponsored by Cambridge Council, K. of will be held Monday evening at the Elks' lodge room, Central sq. Walter T.

York, P.G.K., will be in charge, assisted by John L. Ford, Brandon Powers, Alexander Lowry, Horace D. Powers, Leo McCabe, William Stanger, John Simpson, William Watts, James McLennan, James Foley and John T. Noonan. A home cooked turkey supper will be enjoyed by the Cambridge Grange Tuesday evening, prior to the installation of officers.

The installation will be conducted by Mrs. Katherine McCarron of Melrose, and will be open to the public. A bridge and whist party will be held North Cambridge K. C. hall by the Notre Dame Guild Wednesday evening, Feb.

1, when the first organization meeting of the new year will be held. Mrs. Thomas J. Callahan of Watertown, will make plans for the installation of new officers in the near future. Quincy Mayor Thomas S.

Burgin, enjoying the first Winter vacation in four years, left today for two weeks in the sunny South. On his way he intends to spend a few days in Washington to confer with Federal funds officials on the use of additional for Public Works here. Funeral services for Ralph J. Thornley of North Weymouth, employed at the Fore River this shipyard as a sign painter, were held afternoon at the John Hall Funeral Home, 19 Cottage av. Rev.

Victor V. Sawyer of the Wollaston M. E. Church officiated and burial was at Mt. Wollaston Cemetery.

The Burns Memorial Association will hold its annual observance Wednesday evening in Walter Scott Hall and with a turkey supper, concert dance. William Arthur, president, will direct the program. Mothers of the Montclair Parent Teacher Association will hold a silver tea Wednesday afternoon in the school auditorium. A musical program will be given by students of North Quincy High School. Mrs.

Vincent J. Readdy and Mrs. William B. Lamprey will pour. A series of music appreciation concerts will start Wednesday afternoon in the Quincy High School auditorium and will be given by the State Symphony orchestra of the Federal Music project.

Alexander Thiede will direct the musical group. Somerville In his annual report for 1938, Chief of Police Damery records 2348 arrests; 2208 males and 140 females, a majority for drunkenness. The total is 701 less than The present two patrol wagons have been in service over 15 years, and the single ambulance, nine years. He recommends they be replaced by two modern combination patrol wagons and ambulances. Somerville women recently elected officers of the Notre Dame Guild of Greater Boston, including Mrs.

Edward Carroll, vice Walter V. Mace, Miss Martha Carroll, rec. sec. The organization will sponsor a bridge-whist party Feb. 1, at K.

of C. Hall, North Cambridge. The funeral of Mrs. Amy (Balcom) Howland, wife of Frederick 203 Holland was held this afternoon at the chapel of David Fudge Son, 100 Highland av. Rev.

A. J. Strait, pastor of the College-Av. M. E.

Church, officiated and burial was at Cambridge Cemetery. Mrs. Jedediah O. Penney, 28. Winslow 82 years old, widow of Roswell died Thursday.

The funeral will be at 2:30 tomorrow at the David Fudge chapel, 100 Highland av. Interment will be at Oak Grove Cemetery, Medford. City Solicitor R. J. Muldoon yesterday petitioned the Supreme Court to review the decision of Judge M.

H. Sullivan who ordered reinstatement of six married women Civil Service municipal clerks discharged last May. In connection with its 30th anniversary, Rt. Rev. H.

K. apostolic Sherrill, D.D., will adminster the rite of confirmation tomorrow morning at Christ Episcopal Church, Safe Break at Weymouth WEYMOUTH, Jan. 21-Cracksmen last night entered of the Alvin Hollis Coal and Grain Company, Hollis South Weymouth, forced open the safe and made off with $800. The break was discovered early this morning by patrolman Harold Dowd. Officials of the company placed their loss at $800.

Roxbury A meeting of the Thomas More Literary Society will be held Friday evening at the home of Miss Mary P. Burke. Officers to be installed are Miss Burke, Mary O'Gorman, vice and Gertrude O'Connell, sec. Miss O'Connell and Miss Geraldine Toohy will speak. Court Immaculate Conception, C.

D. of will hold a bridge and whist party Thursday evening in Fenway Manor. Mrs. Mary Daley is chairman, assisted by Mrs. Kathryn Sheehan, Mrs.

Margaret Bates, Mrs. Jane Gorman, Mrs. Anna Heiler, Mrs. Anna Amerina, Miss Mary McCarthy, Miss Catherine Finn and Miss Nancy McCarthy. Boston Newspapermen's Auxiliary, V.

F. will hold a bridge party Monda; evening at the home of Mrs. Ruth Bernstein, Normandy st. McNiff, Rev. John J.

McFuneral services, for Mrs. Mary Niff, S.M.M., of Gate of Heaven Church, New York, who died Thursday at her home, 170 Calumet will take place Monday morning at the Mission Church at 9:45 o'clock. Mrs. McNiff was a member of the Third Order of St. Francis.

The Ward 10 Democratic Women's Club held a social last evening at the Fenway School Center. committee comprised Margaret Finn, Grace Spellman, Mrs. Margaret O'Connell and Mrs. Mary Cullinane. The Greater Boston 1939 Community Fund Campaign for the Mission Hill District will begin Monday, when a corps workers under the direction of John J.

Burke will canvass the section. A meeting of the Norfolk Young Men's Association will be held Tuesday at the clubrooms, Eliot sq. J. Robert Ayers of the Governor's secretarial staff will speak. Arlington Mrs.

Anna Sweedy of 26 Egerton road reported to police that a man seized her and threw her to the ground in front of her home last night and took her pocketbook containing $4. He escaped by leaping into a waiting automobile that police believe was stolen earlier in Woburn. The annual meeting of the Symmes Arlington Hospital Corporation will be held Monday evening. The committee, composed of Frederick W. Hill, chairman; Selectman Harold M.

Estabrook and Howard M. Cousens will report on the 25-room addition to the nurses' home at the hospital. Teachers in the Sunday School of the First M. E. Church are to be given the opportunity of attending monthly lectures in teacher training, to be given by the pastor, Rev.

Richard T. Broeg. "Java, Switzerland of the Pacific," by Mrs. John L. Hasson, and "Bali, the Last Paradise," by Mrs.

George L. Parker, will be the islands studied by the Arlington Heights Study Club Tuesday at the home of Mrs. F. Alfred Patterson. The next meeting of the Junior Women's Club will be Monday evening in the Robbins Library Mrs.

Lucinda F. Spofford, librarian, will review some the current books. The Kensington Park Study Club will meet Tuesday afternoon at o'clock at the home of Mrs. Charles Atwood, 821 Massachusetts av. The next meeting of Arlington Post 39, American Legion, will be held Tuesday evening in the Legion headquarters.

Albert E. Spina of 43 Beacon st. has announced he will be a candidate for the Board of Park Commissioners. Asst. Dist.

Atty. Albert W. Wunderly will speak to the Arlington Lions Club in Wyman's Tavern Monday evening. Medford Medford is prepared for the opening of the local drive in the Greater Boston Community Fund Monday. Headquarters have been established in the Coolidge building, Medford sq.

Kenneth Hutchins is general chairman. Charles L. Fisher, 63, who resided alone at 10 Brookings seized with a heart attack on "Hich st. in Medford yesterday afternoon and died within a few minutes. He had no immediate relatives.

The Medford Catholic Women's Club will conduct a roll call supper Monday evening at 6:30 at the women's clubhouse. There will be an address by the chaplain, Rev. John F. Donoghue of St. Joseph's Church.

Past department commander John Walsh spoke last night to Medford Post, A. in Colonial Hall. Plans were made for a stag party in the Legion rooms next Saturday. Only seven members of the Aldermen and Mayor Carr attended the hearing in Supreme Court yesterday on a petition for a writ of mandamus brought by Aldermen Willard Nelson Price and Michael F. Skerry to compel the retirement of all members of the Police and Fire Departments over 70 years of age.

Judge Dolan continued the hearing until Feb. 17 and instructed the petioners to bring an order into the next full board meeting asking the retirements. Needham Mrs. Florence Crossman Ross, 58, wife of Irvine E. Ross of 140 Warren died yesterday at her home.

Mrs. Ross was born in Needham, Dec. 29, 1880. She was a member of the First Baptist Church, and formerly president of the Ladies' Circle, a member of the Century Club and the Music Club. Besides her husband she leaves a daughter, Ernestine, of Needham; a son, Irvine of Dayton, three brothers.

Rev. Beverley Crossman, pastor of the Lincoln Square Baptist Church of Worcester; Samuel, of Greenfield; T. Crossman, of Needham, and one sister, Mrs. Annie Walker, of Whitinsville; a cousin, Rev. Gordon Brownville, pastor of Tremont Temple, Boston.

Funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon at 2:30 at the First Baptist Church. Wellesley The Thomas Wildey anniversary of Odd Fellowship was celebrated last evening by the Sincerity Lodge, I. 0. 0. and Pinkerton Lodge of Rebekahs with a joint meeting and entertainment at Odd Fellows' Hall.

The annual stunt night of the Senior High School was held last evening in the school auditorium. Herbert Greenhalgh, master emonies, introduced a large number of variety acts. A dance followed in the gymnasium. John L. Sullivan was in charge of the stunts and Dorothy O'Neil, Eleanor Smith, James Coughlin, Jerry Duvally and Charlotte Cavanagh were in charge of the dance, South Boston Gate of Heaven Branch, L.

C. B. will hold a whist party Monday night in Forester Hall, East 4th and I sts. Mrs. Mary Evans, president, is to be assisted by Mrs.

Delia Kennedy, Mrs. Margaret Geottendeck, Mrs. Beatrice Higgins, Miss Marion Higgins, Mrs. Mary Chaisson and Mrs. Stanley Coopas.

Commander Joseph Kelly of the Michael J. Perkins Post, A. has requested all members and their families to attend the party Monday night in the post hall, East 4th st. A special program will be given. Wilfred F.

Kelley, headmaster of the South Boston High School, Rev. Patrick Collins of Boston College and Pat Hanley of Boston University will speak Monday night when the South Boston High School football champions are tendered a reception by Pere Marquette Council, K. of in the council rooms, st. William J. Kehoe, grand knight, will present Joseph Kenneally as the master of ceremonies.

St. Vincent's parish will have another of its series of parties in the parish hall, and Bolton Tuesday night. The parish societies are aiding Rev. Sidney Kearns in the arrangements. A number of speakers will address the banquet of the South Boston Men's Civic Club at its tion to Representatiye John E.

Powers in the Municipal Building, Tuesday evening. About 500 persons are expected at the banquet. The Patrick F. Gavin School is offering a course in dressmaking for women on Monday and Thursday evenings. Registration may be made from 7:30 to 9:30 p.

m. Belmont Former Selectman George S. McLaughlin of 19 Elizabeth road has been made chairman of the President's Birthday Party Infantile Paralysis Campaign of Belmont. The legislative luncheon of the Belmont League of Women Voters is to be held Tuesday at 12:45 p. at the Unitarian Parish Hall.

Senator Arthur F. Blanchard and Representative John W. Vaughan will be guests of honor. Prof. Charles M.

McConnell of the Boston University School of Theology will speak at the next meeting of the Winn Brook School P. T. A. Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. His subject will be "The Family Learns Co-operative Buying." The Rainbow Mothers' meeting will be held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs.

G. B. Kelley, 121 Oakley road. Miss Eleanor Hayes, director guidance and research in Belmont schools, 105 Beech The following have filed marriage intentions: John C. Pappas of 323 Marsh and Katherine Arthur Plakias of 25 Harriet Brighton; Joseph Patrick Gillen of High Charlestown, and Mary Gertrude Schultz of 182 Waverley Frank J.

Cordima of 34 Northampton Boston, and Mary Ann Raffeul of 105 Beach st. The Chenery School ParentTeachers Association will meet Tuesday evening, Feb. 7, in the school hall. Sales High Low Last 1700 Gulf Oil 10 Gulf St Ut 6 .106 106 106 400 Min 100 Co A. 200 Holling Gold 125 Horders Inc 12 12' 12 2200 Humble Oil 100 Hummel- Ross F.

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A. 0 200 Shipyds 25 Unit Shoe M. 81 81 81 200 Unit Verde 300 Unit Wall 2 100 Utah-Idaho Sug Newton Rev. Henry Ogilby of the Church of Our Saviour, Brookline, will speak at the Young People's Fellowship at the Church of the Messiah, Auburndale, tomorrow night. In keeping with the observance of social service Sunday the rector, Rev.

Richard P. McClintock, will preach on "The Christian and the Social Gospel" at the morning service. Mrs. Joan Lessman, 249 Jackson reported to police yesterday that someone had broken the latch on the side porch door of her house in an attempt to enter during the night. No loss was reported.

Joseph B. Lyons has been elected president of the Newton Police cers are Monaghan, Sergt. Benefit Association. The other, offiThomas Leehan, Sergt. Thomas Burke, Charles Cody, Robert Turner and James McHugh, directors.

Norumbega Council, Scouts, plans to hold a Winter carnival on the 16th fairway of the Charles River Country Club Saturday afternoon, Jan. 28. The affair has been canceled the last two years because of unfavorable weather conditions. John Kellar is carnival chairman. Marriage intentions have been filed with the city clerk by J.

P. Christopher, 59 Pleasant Newton Center, and Lydia Goulart, 280 Carle New Bedford; Jack F. Cleff, River Forest, and a Jeanne Woods, 1633 Common: ealth West Newton; Fred J. Flaherty, 507 Centre and Elizabeth K. Conroy, 98 Norwood Newtonville.

Watertown "No Wedding Bells For Me" rang out last night at the auditorium of the Browne School as the Christian Endeavor Society of the West Watertown Union Church staged its annual dramatic production. The cast, coached by Miss Mary E. Ring. included Jennet Jones, Winnie Stacey, Barbara Secord, Chester Parkhurst, Evelyn Hunt, Raymond Fletcher, John Jermyn, Richard Gregoire, Virginia Carbee and Jessie Stacey. Dancing followed the play.

Elmer E. Erickson has been elected moderator of the Union Church of West Watertown. The other officers are Burt W. Gove, clerk; A. T.

Ross, current expenses treasurer; Percy G. Boone, treasurer collector; Frank LeShane, treasurer of the building fund; Mrs. Orrin Meister, treasurer of missions, and John G. Wicks and Arthur Sargent, auditors. Thomas H.

Vahey chairman of the Park Commission and clerk of the Selectmen, has been appointed secretary of the Democratic Town Committee to succeed Daniel J. Murphy, resigned. The newly-organized Catholic Youth Organization of St. Theresa's Church held its first dancing party last night in the East Junior School. John McMahon was chairman.

John O'Donnell is president of the club and Rev. John J. Donegan spiritual director. Watertown Chapter, D. A.

will meet at 2:30 Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. H. Potter, 50 Garfield st. Watertown Council, K.

of will hold its annual "Firemen's Night" Monday evening at the K. of C. Home, Watertown with Fire Chief John W. O'Hearn in charge, Many Greater Boston fire chiefs and commissioners will attend. anxiously wringing her hands.

The lady explained in answer to the offcers' queries that she had been awakened a few moments earlier by the sound of a mouse trap going off in the pantry. She said she got up to investigate and found the "poor little creature" squirming about in a vain effort to free itself. Suffering a change of heart, she decided to call police, but discreetly closed the pantry door until help arrived. The officers freed the mouse, who I by this time had expired..

The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts (2024)
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Name: Edwin Metz

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