How to merge data in R using R merge, dplyr, or data.table (2024)

See how to join two data sets by one or more common columns using base R’s merge function, dplyr join functions, and the speedy data.table package.

How to merge data in R using R merge, dplyr, or data.table (1)

Credit: Thinkstock

R has a number of quick, elegant ways to join data frames by a common column. I’d like to show you three of them:

  • base R’s merge() function
  • dplyr’s join family of functions
  • data.table’s bracket syntax

Get and import the data

For this example I’ll use one of my favorite demo data sets—flight delay times from the U.S. Bureau of Transportation Statistics. If you want to follow along, head to and download data for the time frame of your choice with the columns Flight Date, Reporting_Airline, Origin, Destination, and DepartureDelayMinutes. Also get the lookup table for Reporting_Airline.

Or, you can download these two data sets—plus my R code in a single file and a PowerPoint explaining different types of data merges—here:


Includes R scripts, several data files, and a PowerPoint to accompany the InfoWorld tutorial. Sharon Machlis

To read in the file with base R, I’d first unzip the flight delay file and then import both flight delay data and the code lookup file with read.csv(). If you’re running the code, the delay file you downloaded will likely have a different name than in the code below. Also, note the lookup file’s unusual .csv_ extension.

unzip("")mydf <- read.csv("673598238_T_ONTIME_REPORTING.csv", sep = ",", quote=""")mylookup <- read.csv("L_UNIQUE_CARRIERS.csv_", quote=""", sep = "," )

Next, I’ll take a peek at both files with head():

head(mydf) FL_DATE OP_UNIQUE_CARRIER ORIGIN DEST DEP_DELAY_NEW X1 2019-08-01 DL ATL DFW 31 NA2 2019-08-01 DL DFW ATL 0 NA3 2019-08-01 DL IAH ATL 40 NA4 2019-08-01 DL PDX SLC 0 NA5 2019-08-01 DL SLC PDX 0 NA6 2019-08-01 DL DTW ATL 10 NAhead(mylookup) Code Description1 02Q Titan Airways2 04Q Tradewind Aviation3 05Q Comlux Aviation, AG4 06Q Master Top Linhas Aereas Ltd.5 07Q Flair Airlines Ltd.6 09Q Swift Air, LLC d/b/a Eastern Air Lines d/b/a Eastern

Merges with base R

The mydf delay data frame only has airline information by code. I’d like to adda column with the airline names from mylookup. One base R way to do this is with the merge() function, using the basic syntax merge(df1, df2).The order of data frame 1 and data frame 2 doesn’t matter, but whichever one is first is considered x and the second one is y.

If the columns you want to join by don’t have the same name, you need to tell merge which columns you want to join by: by.x for the x data frame column name, and by.y for the y one, such as merge(df1, df2, by.x = "df1ColName", by.y = "df2ColName").

You can also tell merge whether you want all rows, including ones without a match, or just rows that match, with the arguments all.x and all.y. In this case, I’d like all the rows from the delay data; if there’s no airline code in the lookup table, I still want the information. But I don’t need rows from the lookup table that aren’t in the delay data (there are some codes for old airlines that don’t fly anymore in there). So, all.x equals TRUE but all.y equals FALSE. Here’s the code:

joined_df <- merge(mydf, mylookup, by.x = "OP_UNIQUE_CARRIER", by.y = "Code", all.x = TRUE, all.y = FALSE)

The new joined data frame includes a column called Description with the name of the airline based on the carrier code:

head(joined_df) OP_UNIQUE_CARRIER FL_DATE ORIGIN DEST DEP_DELAY_NEW X Description1 9E 2019-08-12 JFK SYR 0 NA Endeavor Air Inc.2 9E 2019-08-12 TYS DTW 0 NA Endeavor Air Inc.3 9E 2019-08-12 ORF LGA 0 NA Endeavor Air Inc.4 9E 2019-08-13 IAH MSP 6 NA Endeavor Air Inc.5 9E 2019-08-12 DTW JFK 58 NA Endeavor Air Inc.6 9E 2019-08-12 SYR JFK 0 NA Endeavor Air Inc.

Joins with dplyr

The dplyr package uses SQL database syntax for its join functions. A left joinmeans: Include everything on the left (what was the x data frame in merge()) and all rows that match from the right (y) data frame. If the join columns have the same name, all you need is left_join(x, y). If they don’t have the same name, you need a by argument, such as left_join(x, y, by = c("df1ColName" = "df2ColName")).

Note the syntax for by: It’s a named vector, with both the left and right column names in quotation marks.

Update: Starting with dplyr version 1.1.0 (on CRAN as of January 29, 2023), dplyr joins have an additional by syntax using join_by():

left_join(x, y, by = join_by(df1ColName == df2ColName))

The new join_by()helper function uses unquoted column names and the == boolean operator, which package authors say makes more sense in an R context than c("col1" = "col2"), since = is meant for assigning a value to a variable, not testing for equality.

How to merge data in R using R merge, dplyr, or data.table (2) IDG

The code to import and merge both data sets using left_join() is below. It starts by loading the dplyr and readr packages, and then reads in the two files with read_csv(). When using read_csv(), I don’t need to unzip the file first.

mytibble <- read_csv("")mylookup_tibble <- read_csv("L_UNIQUE_CARRIERS.csv_")

joined_tibble <- left_join(mytibble, mylookup_tibble, by = join_by(OP_UNIQUE_CARRIER == Code))

Note that dplyr’s older by syntax without join_by() still works

joined_tibble <- left_join(mytibble, mylookup_tibble, by = c("OP_UNIQUE_CARRIER" = "Code"))

read_csv() creates tibbles, which are a type of data frame with some extra features. left_join() merges the two. Take a look at the syntax: In this case, order matters. left_join() means include all rows on the left, or first, data set, but only rows that match from the second one. And, because I need to join by two differently named columns, I included a by argument.

The new join syntax in the development-only version of dplyr would be:

joined_tibble2 <- left_join(mytibble, mylookup_tibble, by = join_by(OP_UNIQUE_CARRIER == Code))

Since most people likely have the CRAN version, however, I will use dplyr‘s original named-vector syntax in the rest of this article, until join_by() becomes part of the CRAN version.

We can look at the structure of the result with dplyr’s glimpse() function, which is another way to see the top few items of a data frame:

glimpse(joined_tibble)Observations: 658,461Variables: 7$ FL_DATE <date> 2019-08-01, 2019-08-01, 2019-08-01, 2019-08-01, 2019-08-01…$ OP_UNIQUE_CARRIER <chr> "DL", "DL", "DL", "DL", "DL", "DL", "DL", "DL", "DL", "DL",…$ ORIGIN <chr> "ATL", "DFW", "IAH", "PDX", "SLC", "DTW", "ATL", "MSP", "JF…$ DEST <chr> "DFW", "ATL", "ATL", "SLC", "PDX", "ATL", "DTW", "JFK", "MS…$ DEP_DELAY_NEW <dbl> 31, 0, 40, 0, 0, 10, 0, 22, 0, 0, 0, 17, 5, 2, 0, 0, 8, 0, …$ X6 <lgl> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,…$ Description <chr> "Delta Air Lines Inc.", "Delta Air Lines Inc.", "Delta Air …

This joined data set now has a new column with the name of the airline. If you run a version of this code yourself, you’ll probably notice that dplyr is way faster than base R.

Next, let’s look at a super-fast way to do joins.

Joins with data.table

The data.table package is best known for its speed, so it can be a good choice for dealing with large data sets.

In the code below, I load data.table and then use its fread() function to import the zip file. To read the zipped file, I use fread’s ability to call shell commands directly. That’s what the unzip -cq part of the argument is doing in the following fread()—you won’t need that unless your file is zipped.

library(data.table)mydt <- fread('unzip -cq')mylookup_dt <- fread("L_UNIQUE_CARRIERS.csv_")

fread() creates a data.table object—a data frame with extra functionality, especially within brackets after the object name. There are several ways to do joins with data.table.

One is to use the exact same merge() syntax as base R. You write it the same way, but it executes a lot faster:

joined_dt1 <- merge(mydt, mylookup_dt, by.x = "OP_UNIQUE_CARRIER", by.y = "Code", all.x = TRUE, all.y = FALSE)

If you want to use specific data.table syntax, you can first use the setkey() function to specify which columns you want to join on. Then, the syntax is simply mylookup_dt[mydt], as you can see in the code below:

setkey(mydt, "OP_UNIQUE_CARRIER")setkey(mylookup_dt, "Code")joined_dt2 <- mylookup_dt[mydt]

The creator of data.table, Matt Dowle, explained the format as “X[Y] looks up X rows using Y as an index.” But note that if you think of mylookup_dt as a lookup table, the lookup table is outside the brackets while the primary data is within the brackets.

There’s another data.table syntax that doesn’t require setkey(), and that’s adding an on argument within brackets. The syntax for the on vector is on = c(lookupColName = "dataColName"), with the lookup column name unquoted and the data column name in quotation marks:

dt3 <- mylookup_dt[mydt, on = c(Code = "OP_UNIQUE_CARRIER")]

Joins with dtplyr:dplyr syntax and data.table speed

I want to mention one other option: using dplyr syntax but with data.table on the back-end. You can do that with the dtplyr package, which is ideal for people who like dplyr syntax, or who are used to SQL database syntax, but want the speedy data.table performance.

To use dtplyr, you need to turn data frames or tibbles into special lazy data table objects. You do that with dtplyr’s lazy_dt() function.

In the code below, I use a %>% pipe to send the result of read_csv to the lazy_dt() function and then join the two objects the usual dplyr left_join() way:

my_lazy_dt <- readr::read_csv("") %>% dtplyr::lazy_dt() my_lazy_lookup <- readr::read_csv("L_UNIQUE_CARRIERS.csv_") %>% dtplyr::lazy_dt() joined_lazy_dt <- left_join(my_lazy_dt, my_lazy_lookup, by = c("OP_UNIQUE_CARRIER" = "Code"))

As of this writing, dtplyr is not yet using the new by = joinby() syntax.

That joined_lazy_dt variable is a special dtplyr step object. If you print it, you can see the data.table code that created the object—look at theCall:line in the print() results below. That can be handy! You also see the first few rows of data, and a message that you need to turn that object into a data frame, tibble, or data.table if you want to use the data in there:

print(joined_lazy_dt)Source: local data table [658,461 x 7]Call: setnames(setcolorder(`_DT5`[`_DT4`, on = .(Code = OP_UNIQUE_CARRIER), allow.cartesian = TRUE], c(3L, 1L, 4L, 5L, 6L, 7L, 2L)), "Code", "OP_UNIQUE_CARRIER") FL_DATE OP_UNIQUE_CARRIER ORIGIN DEST DEP_DELAY_NEW ...6 Description <date> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <lgl> <chr> 1 2019-08-01 DL ATL DFW 31 NA Delta Air Lines Inc.2 2019-08-01 DL DFW ATL 0 NA Delta Air Lines Inc.3 2019-08-01 DL IAH ATL 40 NA Delta Air Lines Inc.4 2019-08-01 DL PDX SLC 0 NA Delta Air Lines Inc.5 2019-08-01 DL SLC PDX 0 NA Delta Air Lines Inc.6 2019-08-01 DL DTW ATL 10 NA Delta Air Lines Inc.# … with 658,455 more rows# ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows# Use to access results

My complete code using a base R pipe:

joined_tibble <- left_join(my_lazy_dt, my_lazy_lookup, by = c("OP_UNIQUE_CARRIER" = "Code")) |> as_tibble()

After running some rather crude benchmarking several years ago, data.table code was fastest; dtplyr was almost as fast; dplyr took about twice as long; and base R was 15 or 20 times slower. Major caution here: that performance depends on the structure and size of your data and can vary wildly depending on your task. But it’s safe to say that base R isn’t a great choice for large data sets.

How to merge when you only want rows with matches

For the rest of these examples, I’m going to use two new data sets: Home values by U.S. zip code from Zillow and some population and other data by zip code from Simplemaps. If you’d like to follow along, download Median Home Values per Square Foot by Zip code from the Zillow research data page and the free basic database from Simplemaps’ US Zip Codes Database page. (Because of licensing issues surrounding private data, these data sets are not included in the code and data download.)

In the code below, I’ve renamed files. If your data has different names or locations, adjust the code accordingly.

Base R and data.table

For both base R and data.table, if you want only rows that match, tell the merge() function all = FALSE. The code below reads in files and then runs merge() with all = FALSE:

# Import datahome_values_dt <- fread("Zip_MedianValuePerSqft_AllHomes.csv", colClasses = c(RegionName = "character"))pop_density_dt <- fread("simplemaps_uszips_basicv1.6/uszips.csv", colClasses = c(zip = "character"))# Merge datamatches1 <- merge(home_values_dt, pop_density_dt, by.x = "RegionName", by.y = "zip", all = FALSE)

Note that I set column classes as "character" when using fread() so that five-digit zip codes starting with 0 didn’t end up as four-digit numbers.


With dplyr, selecting only rows that match is an inner join:

How to merge data in R using R merge, dplyr, or data.table (3) IDG

Here’s the code:

# Import datahome_values <- read_csv("Zip_MedianValuePerSqft_AllHomes.csv")pop_density <- read_csv("simplemaps_uszips_basicv1.6/uszips.csv")# Merge data with inner joinmatches2 <- inner_join(home_values, pop_density, by = join_by(RegionName == zip))# OR with older syntax:matches2 <- inner_join(home_values, pop_density, c("RegionName" = "zip")) 

With readr’s read_csv(), the zip code columns automatically come in as character strings.

data.table bracket syntax

If you want to use data.table’s bracket syntax, add the argumentnomatch=0to exclude rows that don’t have a match:

matchesdt <- home_values_dt[pop_density_dt, nomatch = 0]

How to merge when you want all rows

Next, I’ll show you the three ways to merge with all rows.

Base R and data.table

With base R or data.table, use merge() with all = TRUE:

all_rows1 <- merge(home_values_dt, pop_density_dt, by.x = "RegionName", by.y = "zip", all = TRUE)


With dplyr, this is a full join:

How to merge data in R using R merge, dplyr, or data.table (4) IDG
all_rows2 <- full_join(home_values, pop_density, by = join_by(RegionName == zip))# ORall_rows2 <- full_join(home_values, pop_density, by = c("RegionName" = "zip"))

How to view rows in a data set without a match

It can be useful to check for rows in a data set that didn’t match, since that can help you understand the limitations of your data and whether something you expected is missing.


In dplyr, finding rows that didn’t match is an anti join:

How to merge data in R using R merge, dplyr, or data.table (5) IDG

Here, as with left joins, order matters. To see all the rows in home_values without a match in pop_density, enter:

home_values_no_match <- anti_join(home_values, pop_density, by = join_by(RegionName == zip))# ORhome_values_no_match <- anti_join(home_values, pop_density, by = c("RegionName" = "zip")) 

And, to see all rows in pop_density that don’t have a match in home_values, it would be:

pop_density_no_match <- anti_join(pop_density, home_values, by = join_by(zip == RegionName))


While merge() syntax is fairly easy for most types of merges, in this case it gets a bit complex if you want rows without a match. I use dplyr’s anti_join() for this type of task, never merge().

If you want to use data.table bracket syntax, use this code to see all the rows in home_values_dt that don’t have a match in pop_density_dt:

home_values_no_match <- home_values_dt[!pop_density_dt]

Note that the code above assumes I’ve already run setkey() on both data sets. Pay attention to the order.

As we saw earlier, all rows in home_values, including those that have a match:


Only rows in home_values that don’t have a match:


Dowle’s full explanation to me about this syntax was: “X[Y] looks up X rows using Y as an index. X[!Y] returns all the rows in X that don’t match the Y index. Analogous to X[-c(3,6,10), ] returns all X rows except rows 3, 6, and 10.”

How to merge on multiple columns

Finally, one question I often see is, How do you combine data sets on two common columns?


To use merge() on multiple columns, the syntax is:

merge(dt1, dt2, by.x = c(”dt1_ColA", dt1_ColB"), by.y = c("dt2_cola", "dt2_colb"))

So, to merge home_values_dt and pop_density_dt on the zip code and city columns, the code is:

merge2_dt <- merge(home_values_dt, pop_density_dt, by.x = c("RegionName", "City"), by.y = c("zip", "city"), all.x = TRUE, all.y = FALSE)

setting all.x and all.y as needed.


data.table has a couple of ways to set multiple keys in a data set. There’s setkey() to refer to column names unquoted, and setkeyv() if you want the names quoted in a vector (useful for when this task is within a function).

The formats are:

setkey(pop_density_dt, ZipCode, City)# or setkeyv(pop_density_dt, c("ZipCode", "City"))


setkey(pop_density_dt, zip, city)# or setkeyv(pop_density_dt, c("zip", "city"))

Then, use your bracket syntax as usual, such as:


dplyr join_by() syntax is

join_by(id1 == id2, colA == colB)

Want more R tips? Head to the Do More With R page!

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How to merge data in R using R merge, dplyr, or data.table (2024)


How to merge the data in R? ›

Using 'merge()' from base R:

The merge() function in base R helps us to combine two or more data frames based on common columns. It performs various types of joins such as inner join, left join, right join, and full join. 'x' and 'y' are the data frames that you want to merge.

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Key Points
  1. Use full_join() , left_join() , right_join() and inner_join() to merge two tables together.
  2. Specify the column(s) to match between tables using the by option.
  3. Use anti_join() to identify the rows from the first table which do not have a match in the second table.

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Multiple R data frames containing the same columns can be concatenated into one data frame using the dplyr function bind_rows() . dplyr 's bind_rows() function takes all the data frames to bind as arguments and returns a single data frame where the data frames have been concatenated into a longer data frame.

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To do this you use a MERGE statement and a BY statement within a data step, like this: DATA New-Dataset-Name (OPTIONS); MERGE Dataset-Name-1 (OPTIONS) Dataset-Name-2 (OPTIONS); BY Variable(s); RUN; You must sort both datasets on your matching variable(s) before merging them!

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To join two data frames (datasets) vertically, use the rbind function. The two data frames must have the same variables, but they do not have to be in the same order. If data frameA has variables that data frameB does not, then either: Delete the extra variables in data frameA or.

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Method 1 : Using paste() function
  1. data is the input dataframe.
  2. column1 is the first column.
  3. column2 to is the second column.
  4. sep is the separator to be separated between two columns.
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How to merge a table in Excel
  1. Select the table you want to copy. Drag your mouse or finger across the entirety of the table you want to copy until you've highlighted all the information you need. ...
  2. Use the copy function. ...
  3. Select the empty space below the other table. ...
  4. Paste your table. ...
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A JOIN clause is used to combine rows from two or more tables, based on a related column between them. Notice that the "CustomerID" column in the "Orders" table refers to the "CustomerID" in the "Customers" table. The relationship between the two tables above is the "CustomerID" column.

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Dplyr left_join()

The most common way to merge two datasets is to use the left_join() function. We can see from the picture below that the key-pair matches perfectly the rows A, B, C and D from both datasets.

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concat() method is used to combine DataFrames either vertically (along rows) or horizontally (along columns). It takes a list of DataFrames as input and concatenates them based on the specified axis (0 for vertical, 1 for horizontal).

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How to join or merge multiple columns of the data frames in R? You can use the R base merge() function or the dplyr functions for joining data frames on multiple columns. Using the dplyr functions is the best approach as it runs faster than the R-based approach.

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Merge – adds variables to a dataset. This document will use –merge– function. Merging two datasets require that both have at least one variable in common (either string or numeric). If string make sure the categories have the same spelling (i.e. country names, etc.).

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If your data sets are identical, you can use the rbind() function which requires your data sets to have identical column headers and data types. If you have one or a couple of similar columns, you can use the merge() function which allows you to merge data sets from similar columns.

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To join or concatenate two different lists in R, we use the c() function. The c() function combines the elements of a list by considering the lists as its parameter values.

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Using the function 'merge()' to merge the matrices by row names. merge() is the function used for efficiently merging the matrices. The function merge() works very similarly to the function rbind() and can perform operations on matrices, dataframes and vectors.

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In addition, when you merge cells (either by setting colspan() or rowspan() , or using merge_cells() and friends) the content of the top left cell is copied to other cells. This prevents unexpected changes to content if you reorder or subset rows and columns.

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Name: Rob Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.