Culpeper Star-Exponent from Culpeper, Virginia (2024)

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Page Two THE CULPEPER EXPONENT CULPEPER VA THURSDAY JANUARY 2 1936 Observations by pro bqno and son Charlie liere dinner guests on Christmas Day of Mr' and Mrs James Cooke years ago About 30 years ago Dr Saum and his bride visited Mrs Rhodes (Continued from pace 1) wife and second son landed in England Tuesday where it is thought he will make his home in thTuture He was practically from America because of the'sjte spread publicity that he and NW wife could not escape so persistently have the news photo graphers and reporters dogged his footsteps and invaded his privacy And Betty Gow the at tractive looking Scotch lassie who was the last one in the Lind bergh household to see the kid naped baby now working in an Edinburgh store has declined the position of nurse to "Col Lind second son She says she abhors the publicity that en shrouds every member of the Lindbergh household Colonel Lindbergh has the uni versal sympathy of America A fearful price he has had to pay for the accomplishment of that wonderful feat of his in making a solo non stop flight from New York to Paris in 1927 CHALLENGE TO DEBATE QUESTION WHISKY BEING Editor of the Sir I noticed in the Exponent of December 19th the remarkable statement that is a pub lic The statement was made by Mr Stanly Claris Assistant Attor ney General of Virginia Now if Mr Clark means that it is necessary for the welfare of humanity to take whisky intern aly he has not only made an as tonishing statement but he has made a false statement Still I will not reply to him through the press at present But I do chalenge him in this article to meet me in a debate before any sober audience and prove that his ruling is correct allowing me at the same time the privilege of proving that whisky is not a public or private necessity for the inner man but on the other hand one of the greatest curses known to mankind Respectfully Pound QUINTUPLETS SLEEP OUTDOORS AS MERCURY 28 1934 to September 21 when they were moved to their hospital Then the girls were introduced to the Northern sun and crisp air for the first time The quints grew with the weather that all becoming more used to it as it got colder inally they slept four hours each day in blizzards and cold biting Northern winds There was a gradual increase in their weights that had not been so noticeable before they were given daily airings and Dr Dafoe gave outdoor sleeping much of the credit Their hospital is on high land and far enough 2 miles from Lake Nipissing so that the air seldom is damp GIT BLOOD TO DAUGHTER IS ATAL Webster City Iowa Jan red Beisner 62 who gave his blood in a futile attempt to save his life is dead victim of his gift daughter Mrs James Kennedy bore triplet sons a month ago Beisner submitted to a transfusion in an effort to save her life but she died So did two of her babies Beisner 'his resistance lowered Miss Lucile of near Baltimore Md is spending the holiday with her parents Mr and Mrs Bywaters Guests of Mr and Mrs Joseph Nelson on riday night included Mrs Barron Mrs Clarence Cooke and daughter Virginia Misses Virginia and Margaret Herndon of Culpeper Mr Theo dore Barron Mr Cleveland Kane of Midland and Messrs Clifford and Harry Cooke Some thrilling Christmas games were played Misses Lucile and Annie Laura Bywaters and Mr William Bywa ters spent Christmas Day in Jef fersonton with Mr and Mrs Ro land Clement Mr and Mrs Raymond Curtis and family and Miss Tacie Robin son spent several days during the holiday in Richmond with Mr and Mrs Watkins and fam ilv They were accompanied by Mrs Boldridgerwhovisited her mother below Richmond Mr and Mrs Albert Crigler and little son of ront Royal and Mr Allie Moffett Crigler of Bal timore Md spent several days last week with Mr and Mrs Browning Mrs Bessie Browning and daughter Lucy Mildred were guests at the Browning home on riday Mrs Crigler and daugh ter Mary Miller and Mr Crigler motored to Waterloo on Sunday evening to see Mrs Crig father Mr Armstrong Mr and Mrs A Corbin and Messrs Rupert Corbin of Wash ington and Tom Corbin of Culpeper were callers at the homes of Mrs Emma Corbin and Mrs Joseph Nelson on Christmas Day evening Mr and Mrs Tommy Curtis Jr Miss Mary Corbin and Misses Ray and Lucile Curtis were din ner guests on Sunday of Mr and Mrs Charles Robert Brown Mr and Mrs John Brown While there they visited the cav erns and on arriving there dis covered that $30 was missing He supposed some one had picked his pocket Drl Saum died less than tjjo years' ago but his widow is anx ious to have the sender know the mosey was received and placed with an education trust fund which Dr Saum had started for his two sons IN MEMORIAM In loving remembrance of our darling boy Harvey Hensley who departed this life six years ago today December 28 1929 My darling boy from me has gone His voice I loved to hear A place is vacant in my heart That never can be filled Six years have slowly passed dear Harvey It was a bitter grief A shock severe to part With the one I loved so dear Many a tear has fallen At the mention of your dear name It was not the tears at the time But the silent tears of the after years Oh the loneliness spent Since that sad day when the one I loved was taken away But God loved you best So he took you to live in the sweet mansion of rest Truly I tried hard to keep you But God wanted you above But Oh dear Harvy I will never forget you In the depth of a and love Grief and had my share But the loss of you was the hard est to bare Day and night I think of you The tears I shed are not a few SLIDES TO 10 BELOW They Mind It Because They Were Out In 40 Below Weather Last Winter Never Have Colds Callander Ontario Jan 1 The Dionne quintuplets slept outdoors in 10 below zero weather last week just to prove Jean Hersholt spoofing Hollywood when he re ported the youngsters slept in subzero temperatures Hersholt who made part of a moving picture here with the quints mentioned on his return to the movie capital that he was amazed the youngsters braved 20 below almost daily during the long Northern Winter He might have taken his story well beyond that point Wrapped in warm blankets and fur robes the youngsters slept on their ver anda when the mercury dropped to 40 below last winter and already this month have been out when it registered 17 below There is nothing to indicate they be able to stand any thing old man Winter can produce in the way of cold weather later The best he could do last January and ebruary had no effect on them They never are frostbitten When they are bundled for their sleep and placed in their prams there is very little but five stubby noses for the frost to attack Shawls cover heir foreheads and chins They never have had a cold A booster for Northern Ontar pure air Dr Allan Roy Dafoe the physician be lieves the hours the girls have spent outdoors have been a large factor in their development into healthy children Unlike most babies the quints were almost 4 months old before they were moved out of the house in which they were born There were no facilities for airing them at the Dionne farmhouse where they lived from their birth May developed blood poisoning from which he died TRIPLETS TRIPLE TRIBE Jenkins Ky Jan 1 Mr and Mrs Lawrence third triplet trio tickles them This triples the Triplett tribe takes total to 13 thanks to twins too trying to think three titles to tag the tot triumvirate Mrs 32 View town Miss Lacie Robinson of Wash ington spent several days during the holiday with her sis ter Mrs Raymond Curtis Dinner guests last Sunday of Mrs Emma Corbin included Mrs Scott and little daughter Mildred of Washington Mr A Corbin and son Tom of Culpeper Mrs James Latham Mrs lossie Burke Mrs Ethel Cooksey Misses Margaret and Virginia Cooksey Mr Charles Latham and Lewis Nelson Miss Lavinia Yancey of the is spending the holiday with her mother Mrs Edna Yan cey Mr and Mrs Raymond Curtis and family and Miss Tacie Robin son of Washington visited Mr and Mrs Joseph Nelson on Christ mas night Little Vivian Newman spent several days last week in Wash ington visiting her sister Mrs Horace King Messrs James Russell and ranklin Boldridge of the are spending the holiday with their parents Dr and Mrs Boldridge Mr and Mrs Raymond Cooke and Mrs Virginius Corbin spent Christmas with Mr and Mrs Clarence Cooke Mr Raymond Curtis and Miss Tacie Robinson motored to Browntown on riday to see Mrs Robinson Mr end Mrs James Latham and children spent riday in Cul peper with the parents Mr and Mrs Guinn Mrs Barron and son Leon ard and Mr Cleveland Kane spent Saturday in Washington visiting relatives Mr and Mrs Luttrell and Mr Everette Stover called to see Mrs Emma Corbin Saturday af ternoon Mr Cleveland Kane of Mid land is visiting his aunt Mrs Barron SUIT WILL TEST USE LIQUOR PROITS Winchester Va Jan 1 To en able the rederick Cbunty Board of Supervisors to obtain a from the circuit bench on the legality of applying liquor store profits to road indebtedness a suit has been instituted by the county against the board at the instance of Attorney Burr Harrison At a special meeting held last the board went on record as favoring use of the liquor pro ceeds to retire road debts At that time it was brought to the atten tion of the board that A Sta ples attorney general of Virginia has expressed the opinion that this would be illegal opinion was expressed informally in Richmond when he conferred with State Senator Russell Gather I Brumback chairman of the board and Smith county treasurer Though some may think forgotten But in memory you will always be with me As you always were before Oh how I miss you my beloved boy No one on earth can tell But some time I know meet you or God doeth all things well You I love are safe at rest Your fond heart is still The hands that were always will ing to help Now lieth in cold chill Your sweet picture I gaze on each day And looking in your dear eyes They seem to say grieve dear mother and dear father or I meet again some day But an angel came down for him Removed him from our flock arewell dear Harvey sweet thy rest arewell till in some happy place We shall behold thy face Two long weeks you bore your pain To wait for cure but all in vain The loving Savior knew the best And called you home to heaven to rest Sleep on dear Harvey So free from care and pain Oh so hard to give you up But our loss is our gain $30 LOST 30 YEARS AGO ON HONEYMOON RETURNED TO WIDOW Luray Va January 1 Sev eral months ago Mrs Rhodes received an unsigned note mailedin Washington and $30 which she was asked to send her brother Ira Saum The note stated the money had been found by a child while Mr Saum was in Luray on his honeymoon many 4 8 4 4 4 4 A A 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 I AUCTION SALE I Of Two Carloads of Draft Mares Mules I JANUARY 10th 1936 I BEGINNING AT 1000 A At ORANGE VA These mares and mules range in age from 4 to 8 years Mules will weiffh from 1000 to 1200 lbs and mares from 1000 to 1600 lbs AU are well broken guaranteed sound and will be sold subject to hitching 4 the highest bidder at Thc Orange UTertock 4 Now is the time to buy work mares and mules at your own price ORANGE LIVESTOCK MARKET INCORPORATED fr Orange Carter President Virginia' Where never be sorrow never be pain To trouble us again Dearly loved and sadly missed By mother father brother sis ters and relatives Written his devoted mother Mrs Harvey Hensley IN MEMORIAM In sad but loving memory of my dear brother Harvey Eugene Hensley who left this world of sorrow six years ago today De cember 28 1929 We miss you from our home dear brother We miss thee from thy place A shadow our life is cast We miss the sunshine of thy face We miss thy kind and willing hands Thy fond and earnest care Our home is dark without you We miss you everywhere I cannot clasp your loving hands Your sweet smiles I cannot see Somewhere back of the sunset hill Where loveliness never dies Sleeps my dear brother In the land beyond the skies We have lost our darling brother He has bid us all adieu He has gone to in Heaven And the form is lost from view Oh that dear one how we loved him Oh how hard to give him up As I sit ana think of you dear Harvey With your life so sweet and pure I think I understand Just why you had to go God needed another angel To sing in His great band And the beauty of your life eternal Some times understand By his loving rsistei Elizabeth itensley Mf Oliver Mgr 2 21c lb Quick Oatmeal 23c 17c Colonial Red Sour Pitted CHERRIES 2 cans Chocolate Pecan CAKES lb Southern Manor i ASPARAGUS picnic size Norway Mackerel We Have Resolved To Give You Bigger Bargains During 1936 a few of the many bargains find at Penders and only the be ginning Shop here during 1936 for Big ger Bargains Golden Blend COEE Blend COEE Dried Navy BEANS 3 lbs 1 0c Triangle ree Running SALT 3 pkgs 10c Miracle Tiny Peas 2 No 2 cans Crushed PINEAPPLE No 2 1 cans' IOC Old Virginia PRESERVES 1 lb' ry size 1 15c Best American Cheese lb 19c Honey Nut Oleomargarine 2290 Pure Lard in bulk 2 lbs 29c lour 63c 241b $k23 65 A STEAKS' resh ruits Vegetables ancy New Cabbage lb 5c Curley Kale 4 lbs 25c Red Ripe Tomatoes 2 90c Old Cabbage 77 3 10c Crisy Carrots 2 bchs 15c Celery ancy California 2 Ige stalks 25c resh Beets 2 bchs 15c Sweet Potatoes 3 ibyt ioc Dried Onions 3 lbs 14c Lettuce ge hd 10c Irish Potatoes 10 lbs 25c Meat Department McCurdy Mgr i Tender Round lb 23c Sirloin lb 29c Bone lb 31c fS17 Beef Tenderloin lb 39c Prime Rib Roast lb 19c Potato Salad lb 12fc Cooked or Chitterlings lb 17 Scrapple lb 15c SaurkrBiit lb 6c resh Croakers 3 lbs 25c resh Pan Trout lb 10c resh Spanish Mackeral lb 15c Standard Oysters qt 35c Select Oysters qt 45c All at Salt Pork lb 17c Streak lb 23c.

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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.